Mensen/PersonagesStephen King

Mensen/Personages op omslag

Werken (56)

I Am Stan: A Graphic Biography of the Legendary Stan Lee door Tom Scioli
Art Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the World door Neil Gaiman
Bare Bones: Conversations on Terror with Stephen King door Tim Underwood
Betty and Veronica: The Leading Ladies of Riverdale door Tim Hanley
The Bloody Best of Fangoria: Volume 04, 1985 door Fangoria
Brieven van belang overgetelijke correspondentie door Shaun Usher
Classic Horror Films and the Literature That Inspired Them door Ron Backer
Comic Relief #119 door Michael A. Kunz
Dark Dreams: The Story of Stephen King (World Writers) door Nancy Whitelaw
De donkere toren door Stephen King
Eenmalige zonde door Stephen King
Entertainment Weekly #1484 | September 29, 2017 | The Walking Dead 100th Episode door Entertainment Weekly
Entertainment Weekly #1509/1510 | April 6-13, 2018 | Dawson's Creek Reunion door Entertainment Weekly
Faithful: Two Diehard Boston Red Sox Fans Chronicle the Historic 2004 Season door Stewart O'Nan
Fangoria Horror Magazine #113, June 1992 door Anthony Timpone
Fangoria Horror Magazine #3, December 1979 door Fangoria
Fangoria Horror Magazine #6, June 1980 door Fangoria
Fangoria Horror Magazine #87, October 1989 door Anthony Timpone
The Far Side Gallery 4 door Gary Larson
Fear Itself: The Horror Fiction of Stephen King door Tim Underwood
Feast of Fear: Conversations With Stephen King door Tim Underwood
Fighting Words: Writers Lambast Other Writers--from Aristotle to Anne Rice door James Charlton
Firsts: the Book Collector's Magazine: November 2011 Volume 21, Number 9 door Kathryn Smiley
Firsts: the Book Collector's Magazine: October 2011 Volume 21, Number 8 door Kathryn Smiley
Grande Illusions: A Learn-By-Example Guide to the Art and Technique of Special Make-Up Effects from the Films of Tom Savini door Tom Savini
Horrorville Magazine Issue #01, August - November 2016
How to Kill a Vampire: Fangs in Folklore, Film and Fiction door Liisa (ed.) Ladouceur
Het kaartenhuis door Mark Z. Danielewski
The King: Bienvenidos al universo literario de Stephen King door David Muñoz Mateos
Kingdom of Fear: The World of Stephen King door Tim Underwood
Knowing Darkness: Artists Inspired by Stephen King door George Beahm
Een lied van Susannah door Stephen King
The Lust for Blood: Why We Are Fascinated by Death, Murder, Horror and Violence door Jeffrey A. Kottler
Mid-life Confidential: The Rock Bottom Remainders Tour America with Three Chords and an Attitude door Stephen King
The Modern Weird Tale : A Critique of Horror Fiction door S. T. Joshi
The Moral Voyages of Stephen King door Anthony Magistrale
Over leven en schrijven door Stephen King
Party of One: The Loner's Manifesto door Anneli Rufus
The Playboy Interview: The Essentials door Playboy
Playboy Magazine ~ January 1981 (Barbara Bach) door Hugh Hefner
Playboy Magazine ~ June 1983 (Marianne Gravatte) door Playboy
Readings on Stephen King door Karin Coddon
Reign of Fear: The Fiction and the Films of Stephen King door Don Herron
Reviews by Cat Ellington: The Complete Anthology, Vol. 2 door Cat Ellington
The Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos door S. T. Joshi
The Road to the Dark Tower: Exploring Stephen King's Magnum Opus door Bev Vincent
The Science of Stephen King: From Carrie to Cell, The Terrifying Truth Behind the Horror Master's Fiction door Lois H. Gresh
Het spiegelbeeld van de maaier door Stephen King
Stephen King (People in the News) door John F. Wukovits
Stephen King (Today's Writers and Their Works) door Rebecca Stefoff
The Stephen King Companion: Four Decades of Fear from the Master of Horror door George Beahm
Stephen King: The Dark Tower (series), Richard Bachman, Stephen King bibliography, Media based on Stephen King works, Short fiction by Stephen King, National Book Award, Portland, Maine door John McBrewster
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals door Bitter Karella
Submitted for the Approval of the Midnight Pals II door Bitter Karella
That Is All door John Hodgman
Who's Killing the Great Writers of America? door Robert Kaplow