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Ashley Husemoller
Over mijn bibliotheek

This is a personal library that friends and family can borrow from. If I don't have it, I'll acquire it. I'm steadily collecting English language editions of books featured on the 1,001 Books You Must Read Before You Die list (which ends up being around 1,318 books so far, with varying editions). I also have collections featuring titles from the PBS Great American Read, Rory Gilmore's Reading List, and the Mensa Kids Excellence in Reading program. My Mom has started to give me her Book-of-the-Month Club picks when she's finished. As a Completionist (it sounds better than "book hoarder"), I have started collecting books that have been featured as Book-of-the-Month selections. (Yes, going back to its inception. I highly recommend Lolly Willowes by Sylvia Townsend Warner, the first-ever selection of BOTM in 1926.) Any questions? I would love to chat!

Over mij

I have a Bachelor of English degree and zero self-control at bookstores, library sales, thrift stores, or anywhere else I can find books. I've spent years amassing the kind of personal library Little Ashley dreamed about. No regerts, not even a single letter. My favorite courses were Multicultural Literature, Victorian Literature, Non-Western Civ Literature, and Beginning Fiction Writing. Three of my short stories were published in the University of Nebraska at Kearney's undergraduate literary journal, The Carillon in 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Nebraska, USA
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