
@1 (5,482), @5 (3,359), @8 (2,489), @1e (1,924), @6 (1,408), @9 (225), @w4 (224), wk edkef (183), DJ (148), listpostscript (119), niworcs (102), listbibliophile (80), nihive (75), #travel (60), recltinspired (60), #treeschecked (58), wkwiley (54), =hive (54), #france (54), @w3 (53), @1e tbfcaliber (48), wkcabi (45), listpersephone (45), wkcup (45), recdgr (43), nibrum (42), =bmi (42), wk prkef (35), listfoliosoc (33), @1a (27), rectelegraph (25), =wsa (25), niwsa (22), reccornflower (21), journals and mags (12), listwainwrightprize (12), =brum (11), wknhm (11), listER (10), recbookbrowse (10), wkformat (9), @w2 (9), recheywoodhill (8), #worcs (8), recworkinprogress (8), @1 but check (7), wkquintet (6), wkcandh (6), wkzoe (6), wktab (3), wkfoulsham (3), =hiveref (3), =brumref (3), =malvern (3), @4 (3), #ELchecked (2), wkmacmillan (2), =brumuni (2), wkstpauls (2), wkhein (1), wkucl (1), wktandf (1), wksmallprint (1), #hnh (1), wkjames (1), =pershore (1), =stj (1), =hivehd (1), =redditch (1), #cookbook (1), #8 (1)
Trefwoordenwolk, Auteurswolk, Trefwoordenspiegel
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Sep 5, 2005
Over mijn bibliotheek
Although the books listed include those originally bought by my husband, I only include in the ‘Your library’ collection those of interest to me. Likewise the ‘Wishlist’, ‘To look at’ and other collections are just mine. For now, I have also kept my ‘pre-collections’ tags. So, to summarise my collections (main tags):

Your library (@1) = books owned.

Wishlist = books I would or might like to buy sometime. They are subdivided by tags into @w2 for books I would definitely like to get, and @w3 for ones to possibly get if I see them cheapish.

To look at (@5) = notes of books I have seen reviewed or heard about in some other way that I would like to look at if I get the chance and maybe buy if they look interesting. This used to be my ‘library look for’ list, but now living in rural France I have forgone this pleasure and some perhaps ought to be moved to ‘wishlists’.

Read but unowned is a mainly ‘negative’ collection, which I have cut out of recommendations, and have used for three groups:

@4 = books I have read that I would not say no to if I was given them for free or if they were extremely cheap (i.e. a place to store details of books I have seen and quite liked but can easily live without!).

@6 = books I have borrowed and don’t want to own (even if someone gave them to me – cf @4).

@8 = books I once owned but have now got rid of.

Ref only (@9) is used for books I am never likely to buy as they are purely reference books, far too expensive for me to justify buying them or books I have worked on as a proofreader or editor.

DJ only (DJ) is for books purely of interest to my husband (mainly science fiction) and ‘Print’ followed by a date is just a way of grouping certain books for printing out paper lists.

I have recently also started using ebook tags and collections (which can overlap with other groups above) for books I 'own' or have borrowed as ebooks.

Other tags:
@f = fiction and @n = non-fiction
(these last two may not always be accurately assigned but give me an idea where in our physical 'library' to look for the book).

Other @something tags are to do with locations, and then there are tags to remind me where I saw a book reviewed, the publisher of a book I worked on etc.

I have reviewed a few books, including any Early Reviewer books I've received, but I am afraid I mainly use 'Comments' for any noted reviews from others as well as my own 'notes' after I have read a book (that way I don't have to worry so much whether it is a 'proper' review, whether it has typos etc!). I've tried to rate books read or looked at since I joined LibraryThing, plus enter start and stop dates (though the latter are often a bit vague).

Over mij
I am a happily retired scientific copy-editor (but please note the word retired and do not pick me up on any bad grammar!). My primary residence is in Worcester in the UK, but my husband and I have a holiday home in France so the books are scattered between the two houses (and never where you want them!). However, I do live very close to the public/university in Worcester so that is also a second home!
Worcester, England
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