Boekgerelateerde films voor LouisaSolano

  • 18 gerelateerde films
  • 6 werken met gerelateerde films

"Great Performances": Cats (1998 | IMDb) (Engels)

Un amour de Swann (1984 | IMDb) (Portugees (Brazilië))

Un amour de Swann (1984 | Volker Schlöndorff | IMDb) (Duits, Engels)

The Angelic Conversation (1985 | IMDb) (Engels)

Augustine: The Decline of the Roman Empire (2010) (Engels)

Cats (2019 | IMDb) (Engels)

The Chronicle History of King Henry the Fift with His Battell Fought at Agincourt in France (1944 | IMDb) (Engels)

Great Performances: Henry V at Shakespeare's Globe (1997 | IMDb) (Engels)

Henry V (1953 | IMDb) (Engels)

Henry V (1989 | IMDb) (Engels)

Henry V (2003 | IMDb) (Engels)

Henry V (2007 | IMDb) (Engels)

A Man for all Seasons (1957 | IMDb)

A Man for All Seasons (1966 | IMDb) (Engels)

A Man for All Seasons (1988 | IMDb)

Marcel Proust: A Writer's Life (1993 | IMDb) (Portugees (Brazilië))

Restless Heart: The Confessions of Saint Augustine (2010) (Engels)

A Waste of Shame: The Mystery of Shakespeare and His Sonnets (2005 | IMDb) (Engels)