Boekenreeksen voor ZakMcGaha

Reeksen waartoe boeken in ZakMcGaha's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 102 reeksen

Alien vs. Predator Novels

Anaconda {film series}

Antrim, VT

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes {film series}

Basket Case {film series}

BFI Film Classics

Blind Dead {Film Series}

Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy

Bridget Jones



Child's Play {film series}

Children of the Corn {Film Series}


The Crow films

Cycle of the Absurd

Demons {film series}


Earthworm Gods

Evil Dead Movies

The Exorcist {film series}

FATE Presents (Fate Magazine)

Fight Club

The Fly {1986-1989 film series}

Frank Frazetta's Death Dealer

Friday the 13th Movie Novelizations

Friday the 13th Movies

Friday the 13th novels

Friday the 13th {2007 comic}

Friday the 13th {WildStorm comics}

Ginger Snaps

Glass Family

The Goblin Books


Goosebumps: HorrorLand

Grizzly {Film Series}

Halloween films

Hanna-Barbera Superstars 10

Hatchet {film series}

Hellraiser Film

Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer {film series}

Horror Series [Johnstone]

Jack Frost {horror film series}

Jason X novels

Jaws novels

Jurassic Park Movies

Killer Slugs

The Killing Kind

Lake Placid {film series}

The Legend of Boggy Creek {film series}

Leprechaun Horror Movies


Mick Travis trilogy

Miss Zukas

Monster Blood

The Morningstar Strain

Mountain Man: Smoke Jensen

The Mummy Films

A Nightmare on Elm Street Movies

A Nightmare on Elm Street Original Novels

Nuke 'Em High {Film Series}

Odd Thomas

Phantasm Science Fiction/Horror Films


Predator Movie Novelizations

Prom Night {film series}

Psycho {Bloch novels}

Psycho {film series}

Pumpkinhead {film series}

Puppet Master Series (Logical Order)

Puppet Master {Publication Order}

Re-Animator {film series}

Return of the Living Dead

Revenge of the Nerds Movie

Rig Warrior

Rob Zombie's Firefly films


Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Scooby Doo Live Action Films

Scooby-Doo Direct-to-Video Animated Films

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island

Scooby-Doo Television Films and Specials

Shark Attack {film series}

Silent Night, Deadly Night {film series}

Sleepaway Camp

Slumber Party Massacre Movie

Spider-Man Films

Spider-Man Novel

SpongeBob SquarePants

SpongeBob SquarePants Films

Star Wars Movies

Stephen King Hard Case Series

Succulent Prey

Terrifier {film series}

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies

The Toxic Avenger {Film Series}


The Vampire Chronicles

Venom {Film Series}

Weekend at Bernie's Movie


The Zone Unknown