Boekenreeksen voor connorshirs

Reeksen waartoe boeken in connorshirs's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 36 reeksen

101 Dalmatians {Dodie Smith}

Anne of Green Gables

Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo Trilogy

Century Cycle: Chronological Order

Century Cycle: Production Order


The Christmas Books of Charles Dickens

Coates Family



The Extraordinary Voyages

Festa Weird Fiction

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Harry Potter

The Human Comedy

In Search of Lost Time

Little Women

The Lord of the Rings

Mary Poppins (P. L. Travers)

Miss Buncle

The Night Trilogy

Oedipus Cycle

Peter Pan

Peyton Place

The Prairie Trilogy

Proulx short stories

Psycho {Bloch novels}

Radlett and Montdore

Richard Hannay

Rosemary's Baby

The Scarlet Pimpernel

The Scarlet Pimpernel, French Publication Order


Valley of the Dolls

Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne Original)