Boekprijzen voor peakwalker

Prijzen toegekend aan boeken in peakwalker's bibliotheek

Samenvatting: 81 prijzen en onderscheidingen

10 non-fiction книг, рекомендованных журналу Slon

The 100 best books of the 21st century by The Guardian

100 Books to Read in a Lifetime

Les 100 livres préférés des Français

1000 Books to Read Before You Die

1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up

20 academic books that shaped modern Britain

200 best non-fiction books according to Afisha Magazine

5 книг Постнауки

I 50 Libri del Decennio

500 Great Books by Women

ALA Outstanding Books for the College Bound

ALA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults Best Books

Andre Simon Award

Arthur Ross Book Award

Audie Award

AudioFile's Best Audiobooks of the Year

Aurealis Award

Besides the Bible: 100 Books That Have, Should, or Will Create Christian Culture


Booklist Editor's Choice: Adult Books for Young Adults

Books of the Decade: The 50 books that defined the decade

British Book Award

CBCA Book of the Year

CCBC Choices

Christian Science Monitor Best Book

CLMP Firecracker Award

CounterPunch's Top 100 [and a few more] Non-fiction Works of the 20th Century

Dayton Literary Peace Prize

The Economist Best Books

Eliot Rosewater Indiana High School Book Award

Glenfiddich Food & Drink Award

Glenfiddich Food Book of the Year Award

Guardian 100 Greatest Non-Fiction

Guardian Children's Fiction Prize

The Guardian's 100 Best Nonfiction Books of All-Time

Guild of Food Writers Awards

Harry Chapin Media Award

Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism

The Hundred Most Influential Books Since the War

Indies Choice Book Award

International Sociological Association: 1000 most influential books in Sociology

IRE Awards

Irish Book Award

J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize

John Llewellyn Rhys Prize

Katharine Briggs Folklore Award

KIB - Non Fiction books everyone should read

Lettre Ulysses Prize for Literary Reportage