Childrens book Girl wants unicorn get white pony instead

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Childrens book Girl wants unicorn get white pony instead

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dec 9, 2010, 11:35 pm

I am looking for a book that I read sometime in the late 1960's or early 1970's. I really liked it as a child and would like to find a copy.

In the story a little girl wanted a white unicorn. She lived with her mother and father. When she took a bath, she would give chocolate to a mermaid that lived in her bathtub. She did not get a unicorn, but did get a white pony with a spot in the middle of its forehead. She thought that the pony really was a unicorn that had lost its horn.

I believe there were forests (pine trees, maybe?) and it was winter in the illustrations. There was a drawing of the pony at the end of the story.

Sorry, but that is all I remember about the story.

The copy I read was checked out from my grade school library. I don't remember how many pages or what size the book was. I don't know when the book was printed. It wasn't a very long book.

The mixture of reality and make believe sort of reminds me of The Fairy Doll by Rumer Godden, but I checked and don't think that she wrote the book I'm looking for.

I thought the book might have been titled The White Pony, but not real sure.

I've searched the internet for quite some time trying to find this book. There is a gazillion books about girls and unicorns out there. I am hopeful that some one knows the name of this book and the author. Thanks!

dec 10, 2010, 8:11 am

Man, I'm a sucker for reading every horse story I can find, but I don't recall this one. :( Hope you find it soon!

Bewerkt: dec 10, 2010, 11:24 am

Did a quick Google search, and I'm going to throw this one out for you.... Cynthia and the Unicorn by Jean Todd Freeman. Found reference to it here:

Found it on a search for "chocolate mermaid unicorn white pony bathtub" and got a hit as the blog post quotes part of the book as saying "And a Mermaid in my bathtub who eats chocolate eclairs".

It looks like the book was originally published in 1967, so it fits in the time frame. And it's a Christmas/winter book, so the illustrations are going to have trees and snow.

dec 10, 2010, 2:49 pm

Hurray!!! I think that it is Cynthia and the Unicorn!!! Thank you shadrach_anki! I can’t believe how quickly you came up with the answer. Thank you again!

Also, thanks for the link to the blog. I had forgotten about the gryphon and the troll in the story until I saw it mentioned there. No wonder I wasn’t sure whether or not the book was called The White Pony. That wasn’t even close to the title!

I’m off to try to find a copy; can’t wait to read it again.