Romance of Duke/Earl? coming back from war, needs a mother for his children

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Romance of Duke/Earl? coming back from war, needs a mother for his children

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

apr 9, 2013, 4:39 pm

Written in 90s?
Something Like Lady or Duchess in title
A duke/earl comes back from war (English/French? maybe earlier?) and wants to find a bride to be a mother to his broad of children. His first wife died in childbirth. Sends his manservant to find someone, who chooses the eldest girl in a step-family who he sees watching her young siblings in an orchard one day. After wedding the earl/duke? she discovers that each of his children is rumored to have a different mother. (there's at least 6 of them, but I think more like 8). Turns out the earl takes in children born in wedlock who are left on his doorstep and calls them his own, allowing his community to believe he is "sowing wild oats", when he's really not. The children hate the stepmom and do all sorts of pranks to her. One includes tarring and feathering. They sort it all out in the end.

Don't think it was a Harlequin.

Bewerkt: apr 9, 2013, 5:54 pm

I believe this is Charming the Prince.
Medeiros's trademark humor and potent love scenes will enchant audiences once again with the introduction of Sir Bannor the Bold, a rough-hewn warrior who battled the French dauntlessly for 14 years. But Bannor's deepest secret is that he is terrified of his 12 (count 'em, 12) motherless children who have run wild for years, tormenting the residents of his keep. At his wit's end, the exhausted lord dispatches his man to find a new wife to manage his brood, hopefully without adding to it. Bannor seeks a woman who is everything his children are not--quiet, biddable, and well-behaved. And preferably "some maternal, bovine creature who will prove to be no temptation to my appetites," he specifies. Instead, he finds himself wed by proxy to Lady Willow Mallory, a slender, raven-haired beauty who has played unpaid and unappreciated nursemaid to her numerous step- and half-siblings for years. From an inauspicious beginning, Bannor and Willow struggle to forge a relationship, first with his estranged offspring and finally with each other.
Amazon has a Look Inside option for it if you want to peek at the first couple chapters:

apr 9, 2013, 11:46 pm

Thank you! That's it!

apr 10, 2013, 8:02 am

Yay! I remember it as very good. Hope you enjoy rereading it!