Sci Fi - 2 books, some nano content

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Sci Fi - 2 books, some nano content

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aug 2, 2013, 3:20 pm

unrelated 2 sci fi books I am seeking

Book 1
Media use bee-like paparazzi cameras, one character works at a consumer research firm that uses virtual reality Matrix-style plugging into people’s heads to survey their opinions on products; this character is younger (or small), maybe named Tag? Trig? Trip? He lives in a group-home type of situation where everyone pitches in some money/currency into a box in the house (like a coin box). Some random guy on the roof in a garden shed who has special powers, can’t touch or be touched, something like that. I think the book has a key event at a ball game or stadium involving the guy from the roof? Book may or may not also have nano-viruses in the world where cities are shielded from particular nano-viruses (I might be mixing this up with something else)

Book 2
Lady is stuck in mansion, imprisoned in her mind perhaps, someone trying to gain control of her company or her spouse’s company for its IP? Side story involves police force made up of clones including one set named Jerrys, one in particular starts to go rogue as he becomes more self aware; he is married to another clone a lady who is meant to be a ‘comforter’ and whose life suddenly has purpose now that she has been assigned to help the lady in the mansion. Big firefight at the end. Maybe an underground private train too? Nanotechology including weapons that can transform themselves (+ repair)

Thanks for your help, Would appreciate your help, shelf scanning, various keyword searches and online list searching are leaving me hanging with these. I think one or both has a sequel and I would like to read them...if only I can figure out that the originals are!

aug 5, 2013, 5:52 pm

The cloned "Jerrys" are in Counting Heads by David Marusek, and one goes rogue. Has an heiress to a great fortune whose head ends up in a suspension/life-support unit, and there's a struggle to get custody. Nanotech infestations have destroyed NYC, and Chicago has a protective dome against them. Micro weapons the size of wasps are important. Book 1 sounds like Counting Heads also - there's a character who stays permanently child-sized in order to succeed as a performer, IIRC. Afraid I don't remember the details that well, but it's a very good novel.

There's a sequel, Mind Over Ship, that I haven't read.

For a while there I though Marusek would own SF, but he doesn't write a lot and it's been a while since his last story.