Harlequin (I think) Trilogy on Male Triplets

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Harlequin (I think) Trilogy on Male Triplets

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jan 16, 2017, 5:41 pm

Read, several years apart, a trilogy of triplet men. One was possibly in the CIA and rescued people, one was a troubleshooter & falls for a woman that took lots of risks, & one was a professor that ended up marrying a woman who was deaf. Believe all of their first names began with an S & one was Sloan or Slade. Thanks in advance for any help :D

jan 16, 2017, 6:48 pm

I got the answer for this one by googling "deaf", "professor" and "Harlequin," (though they're actually Kismet Romance): Forever Joy, Lightning Strikes Twice and His Woman's Gift feature triplets Slater, Stryker and Sloane.

jan 16, 2017, 8:27 pm

YES !!!! Thank you !!!!!!