Family of skilled people solving crimes. Unusual last name of family.

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Family of skilled people solving crimes. Unusual last name of family.

Bewerkt: jun 14, 2021, 11:39 am

Book series mystery, suspense, crime solving.
Brothers, mother, and father all have unique abilities to help solve crime situations. They have a funny last name. (I want to say Cumberbatch, but that isn't it).

Plot of book was a woman caught up in a crime and is on the run. Man helps her out, rides a motorcycle. Hides her at his families house where she meets his brothers, mother, and father who all help her solve the mystery of why she is targeted. Each of the family member has skillsets in computers, etc. that combined help her out.

Any ideas of how I can find the author or series of books?

jun 14, 2021, 1:42 pm

Is there any paranormal in it? I'm thinking of the Dark Legacy duology by Jayne Ann Krentz. The family name is Coppersmith.

aug 5, 2021, 7:02 pm

No paranormal.

aug 8, 2021, 6:36 pm

Is it a YA book, children's book, or adult book?