Fiction, war book, strong southern(?) dialect

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Fiction, war book, strong southern(?) dialect

jun 14, 2021, 2:54 pm

I read this book 5 years ago in high school and I've been scouring google to find it to no avail.

It's a fictional war book following a young man with a strong accent participating in, I believe, the civil war. It's written very well in terms of his accent as if you could hear the words. Get is git and the author uses y'all and other seemingly southern phrases. I thought the title had the word "Red" in it but I've tried searching everywhere using that keyword without much luck so it might not

Bewerkt: jun 14, 2021, 4:05 pm

Could it be - The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane - main character is a Union Soldier. It was published c. 1895 and uses realistic language.
It is often read in middle and high school.