Same Works / Two Series?


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Same Works / Two Series?

Bewerkt: sep 25, 2023, 10:30 pm

I’m looking at the “Giants of America. The Founding Fathers” series, which seems to have most, if not all, subjects and authors in common with the “American Statesmen” series, but only Daniel C. Gilman’s James Monroe volume is combined across both series. In contrast, Theodore Roosevelt’s work on Gouverneur Morris, which seems to appear in each series, isn’t combined across the two.

Does anyone know these works well enough to surmise their relationships - or maybe their lack of such? Thanks in advance …

sep 30, 2023, 11:00 am

I don’t know this series but I have seen other series (not publisher series) that changed names part way through the publication. In this case the old name might best apply to the early volumes. The later name might have the whole list.

An example of this is Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators. That name applies to 1-30. After he died, the series name was shortened to the Three Investigators which could apply to all 43 volumes. The first name is sometimes used for the whole even though the AH character has been replaced.

There are cases with a publisher name (e.g. “Glad Books”) and a popular name (“Pollyanna”).

In both examples I think a fair case can be made for both series names to be used in LT.

Your series seems to have different historical figures. If the books were otherwise published, it might be better as a publisher series.


sep 30, 2023, 12:08 pm

>2 Keeline: Thanks for your reply. I'm wondering more about the works themselves, which by all accounts appears the same, notwithstanding their series associations.