Quaisior's 2024 ROOTs

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Quaisior's 2024 ROOTs

Bewerkt: mei 3, 4:42 pm

I hope to do better this year, but now that I'm started writing, I don't see an end to that, so I'll try to squeeze in some reading time. LOL

Paper books:
1. Hunt the Stars- Jessie Mihalik
2. Before Midnight- Cameron Dokey
3. It's Not What You Expect- Norma Klein
4. Eclipse the Moon- Jessie Mihalik
5. Taking Sides- Norma Klein
6. Golden- Cameron Dokey
7. Capture the Sun- Jessie Mihalik
8. What It's All About- Norma Klein
9. Wild Orchid- Cameron Dokey

1. Fractured Stars- Lindsay Buroker
2. Awakening Defiance- Teagan Kearney
3. Star Nomad- Lindsay Buroker
4. Home Is the Sailor- Jolie Mason
5. This Is How You Lose the Time War- Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
6. Last Command- Lindsay Buroker
7. Saranth Three- Lindsay Buroker
8. Home from the Sea- Jolie Mason
9. Honor's Flight- Lindsay Buroker
10. Starfall Station- Lindsay Buroker

Currently reading: Polaris Rising- Jessie Mihalik

jan 10, 4:30 pm

Welcome to this year's group! I published a book last year, and read only just over half of the number of books I'd read the previous year or two. It's a good reason though :)

jan 10, 6:15 pm

Welcome back!!

jan 11, 4:31 am

Welcome back and good luck with both: reading and writing!

jan 12, 12:54 pm

Welcome back. Lots of succes with writing and reading.

jan 23, 10:58 am

Welcome back! Do you have a goal?

Bewerkt: apr 12, 3:00 pm

Thank you, everyone. I finished writing my first novel last week, which is something I never thought I'd actually do. I will edited it after I write a science fiction story I've had bouncing around in my head for 30 years.

As for my goal, since I've been reading a lot more ebooks over the past few years, I'd like to read 25 physical books from my shelves and 25 ebooks and I'll keep track of both here.

mrt 3, 3:59 pm

>7 Quaisior: Congratulations on writing your first novel! What a great accomplishment!

mrt 13, 3:50 pm

>8 Cecilturtle: Thank you! I decided to celebrate by starting my next novel. LOL

mrt 16, 2:13 pm

>7 Quaisior: Congratulations! You've done more than probably 95% of people who start a book, but never finish it.
>9 Quaisior: A glutton for punishment! ;)

apr 12, 3:04 pm

>10 Jackie_K: Thank you! I just read about that stat the week I was finishing my book and I was shocked. I usually have trouble feeling proud of myself, but I definitely gave myself a pat on the back for finishing a novel (and it's nearly 100K words too so it isn't short!).

As for reading, I'm obsessed with Jessie Mihalik's books, so I'm going to read all of them this year. I loved her Starlight's Shadow Trilogy. My current WIP is somewhat similar, but I've been planning this story for decades, so it's entirely coincidental.

mei 3, 3:19 am

Hi Q, just popping in to see what you have been up to.