YA sci-fi about rebel girl on Mars

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YA sci-fi about rebel girl on Mars

Bewerkt: jan 16, 5:00 pm

I remember the first line of this book was "Hello - Mars to (protagonist's name)!" It came out around 2010 I think; it has a white cover with a girl's face in black lines, and a red horizon behind on the left. It's set in the future where people live on Mars but the privileged live on Earth, and the protagonist escapes/is sent on a mission to Earth and becomes involved in some kind of rebellion. It was the first of a trilogy, and the second book was black.
For some reason I thought the title/protagonist's name was Holly Black, but googling it just comes up with the author Holly Black (and a million other YA Mars books!)

mei 26, 11:12 pm

Bump :)