How to correct an error in an LT record

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How to correct an error in an LT record

Bewerkt: apr 7, 1:29 pm

I just added my copy of The Twist of a Knife by Anthony Horowitz. 9780062938190 This is #4 in his Hawthorne and Horowitz series but the series listing at the top of the LT record says it is #3. How do I report that for correction?

apr 7, 1:31 pm

It looks like someone already has.

But for future reference, each work as a block titled "Series and Relationships" about half way down the page where you can go in and edit the series as needed.

apr 7, 2:03 pm

This is a combining problem. Your book is in the work for #3.

I'm working on it.

Bewerkt: apr 7, 2:16 pm

Your book is now in the right work, and points to the right place in the series. There were several wrong editions. I hope I got them all.