Everything freezes

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Everything freezes

mei 10, 10:51 am

I read a couple years ago for school an old short story about a family who got snowed in. it may have happened to this family, but I am under the impression that the dad, who i think went by "Pa", told a story about how the coldest winter he ever lived through was when he was a kid and everything froze - even the flame of the candle, i believe.
then there was a second story, a sequel to the first one, the same story except during summer, and Pa tells about how everything melted. i had in my head that louisa may alcott wrote, but i guess i was wrong, as i couldnt find it under her name. any help would be appreciated!

mei 10, 11:49 am

The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder?

mei 10, 11:51 am

mei 10, 8:39 pm

The McBroom books by Sid Fleischman?

mei 11, 6:45 pm

Mcbroom seconded. Sounds like McBroom's Ghost. Everything freezes during the winter and then thaws out when Summer comes.

mei 11, 9:32 pm

Touchstone: McBroom's Ghost