YA - Australian book about teenage girl living on the border between South Australia and Western Australia

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YA - Australian book about teenage girl living on the border between South Australia and Western Australia

mei 13, 8:40 am

The father of a young girl gets a new government job working on the border between South Australia and Western Australia. She is at the age she wants to spend her time with friends, not going to live in an isolated place. The father's job entails preventing starlings from flying into Western Australia. These birds are considered pests.
The original book explains how the father does his work, which is very interesting. The US edition hardly mentions his work at all and focuses on the girl's emotions living in such an isolated place. I would like to read the Australian version again but cant remember the title or the author. The title is something like "Borderline" and the writer is an Australian.
This is a young adult book. I wonder does anyone know the title and author?

mei 13, 9:59 am

Border Line by Dianne Wolfer. There's not much detail here on LT, but this blog review mentions the starlings.