Fiction: Sleeper Agent (codeword) International chase - mainstream book

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Fiction: Sleeper Agent (codeword) International chase - mainstream book

mei 14, 8:39 am

I hope i'm not mixing up books here and i'm thinking this is a mainstream book? (i don't tend to read obscure titles).

At the start a prostitute is crushed to death under the weight of a fat guy in a hotel room - the guy had been stealth killed (poison?)

Later in the book, after a mammoth chase the hero and a woman counterpart arrange to meet a friendly in a coffee shop. Our hero talks about how good the hot chocolate tastes after such a chase and the 'friendly' starts suggesting things about going to his car, getting into his car etc. They think it's a good idea and are powerless to resist, it turns out they have been drugged (GHB?)

It may have something to do with sleeper agents who are activated by a code word? I THINK the word is 'totenkopf'. There is certainly a word they are trying to discover the meaning of.

It's the name of the book and the activation word that has given me a brain worm!