Looking for a romance book, small town romance

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Looking for a romance book, small town romance

mei 23, 6:54 pm

I believe I’m looking for a romance book, dont remember much about it to be honest.
Here is the info:
I read the book in between 2020-2023.
It’s about a girl with a troubled past, (did drugs and drank a lot)idk
It’s mentioned in the book that something traumatic happened with her best friend or a friend.
She was dating a guy that her parents liked for her ( could be named Steve or Steven but I’m not sure)
She moves to a small town( believe she rents a fully furnished house)
And one day at some sort of a town event she meets a grumpy cowboy single father( MMC) that has a son ( not older than 10)
Don’t remember much
His wife left him because of the son.
Slowly they start falling in love, and one day the ex wife/mother shows up and wants to get back together (conversation is in a barn I think).
MFC overhears and think that MMC wants to get back together with the ex wife.
So she takes a flight back to her parents and is heartbroken but finds out she is pregnant.
MMC comes after her and proposes.

I dont know if i have two books mixed together cause it’s been a while since i read it. But any help is welcome