YA Doppelganger replacing a girl and only the best friend knows

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YA Doppelganger replacing a girl and only the best friend knows

mei 24, 11:48 pm

Fiction YA book
Plot: What I can remember from this book was that it was a story about a really unsafe woods nearby...and whenever people went inside, they'd disappear and never come out. One day a teen (a girl) goes inside, and everybody just seemingly forgot about her. It was like her existence was erased. Someone else then came OUT of the woods, even though the legend went that nobody would ever come out of the woods. The girl that came out replaced the teen that went missing, taking over their life, living in their shoes...etc...and nobody notices. Or at least that's what you think-
Only one person noticed, the missing teens best friend. And she knows that this person is a fraud. In order to figure out who they are, she has to venture in the dangerous woods and figure out where her true real friend is.
Anyway...that's that. I have tried to find desperately since reading that book anywhere online for it...but no dice.

I believe that the girl who came to replace the original also changed her name to be different from the original. Everyones memories have been altered to only know this girl, except the friend, who knows this is a lie. She seems crazy to everyone else.

The replacement girl starts to act rudely to the main character when she can see through the lie...I believe that this may have been set up near the woods as well. Vaguely remember a line about people disappearing in the woods and not coming back, but this girl comes back. I can't remember how this ended.
When I think it was written: 2000s? I read the book in 2010-2011.
United States is where I read this.
I unfortunately don't remember much about the cover.