David Copperfield: World’s Best Reading


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David Copperfield: World’s Best Reading

mei 25, 10:07 am

Why is this edition of David Copperfield separate from the main entry? It is not abridged and has no additional material.

Bewerkt: mei 25, 10:20 am

No idea. Why don't you give us the URLs so we can look at it?

If both are over 200 members, and you think they need to be combined, you should list the two URLs at https://www.librarything.com/topic/336979#n8544054

mei 25, 10:33 am

>2 MarthaJeanne: How do I identify the URLs in question?

Bewerkt: mei 25, 11:21 am

The URL is what shows up at the top of your browser window that says what page you are looking at.

A work URL will look like https://www.librarything.com/work/4209/

Bewerkt: mei 25, 12:07 pm

According to the work pages, one is an abridged version of the other.

Bewerkt: mei 25, 12:35 pm

>6 MarthaJeanne: Where do you see this? I am familiar with the Reader’s Digest “World’s Best Reading” series and despite the RD association, they are complete works. One book is shown in a dust jacket which says it is complete and unabridged. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World%27s_Best_Reading

mei 25, 12:37 pm

>7 booksaplenty1949:

Look at the "Series and Work Relationships" field on https://www.librarything.com/work/29958155 It says "Is an abridged version of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens"

mei 25, 12:40 pm

>8 lilithcat: Doesn’t now.

mei 25, 1:09 pm

>9 booksaplenty1949:

Because YOU removed it.

Bewerkt: mei 25, 1:33 pm

>10 lilithcat: Of course. Because it was incorrect. Certainly not the first time wrong information was posted under “Relationships,” as I’m sure you’ve seen.

mei 25, 2:10 pm

mei 25, 2:26 pm

>12 2wonderY: Yes, the first post in the linked LT thread notes “they are not the typical RD ‘condensed’ books but complete texts.”

mei 25, 10:46 pm

I also note that the main entry for David Copperfield includes “Reader’s Digest World’s Best Reading” as one of the publisher’s series to which it belongs (#20).

mei 28, 9:17 am

Finally dawned on me that since no entry on the “Editions” page had more than 200 entries I could just do this myself!