YA about two disabled girls trying to get started in life? *TW*

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YA about two disabled girls trying to get started in life? *TW*

mei 25, 6:26 pm

TW // S.A

I don't remember nearly anything about this book. I read it in late middle school or early high school, sometime between 2015-2018 I believe..

It was about two different girls, each with their own disability. They aren't related in any way, but are sent to the same house to try and get on their feet. They are aided in finding a job and essentially learning to live for themselves.

I think one of the girls has down syndrome, and she is sexually assaulted when she is at work. I think the other character often thought the down syndrome character was "stupid" and "weak." I think after the SA she doesn't exactly understand that it was assault until later.

I don't remember much about the other girl, except she was fiesty and more of a fighter. I think she helps the other girl in the end with her trauma from the SA.

mei 26, 8:51 pm

Definitely sounds like Girls Like Us to me.