TMNT black hole


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TMNT black hole

mei 27, 2:32 am

Because of LT's "ignore everything after the colon" combining policy, I discovered that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Book I had become a bit of a black hole for TMNT works. I stripped all erroneous combinations out into this work
( ), but I don't have the time to properly split them all apart and combine them into the appropriate existing works. Shouldn't be terribly difficult, just a rather time-consuming. Thanks in advance!

Bewerkt: mei 27, 3:28 am

It's not really the colon. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I make that 28 characters. The autocombiner has given up long before the colon.

Yes, a big mess, and best left for someone who knows mutant turtles.

mei 27, 4:10 am

I think I got all of them!

mei 27, 9:50 pm

Thank you!