Books promoted on The Daily Show

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Books promoted on The Daily Show

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mei 5, 2009, 2:54 pm

Jon Stewart has been able to bring in some very interesting guests onto his show.

So I am wondering who has a) been interested in the books promoted on The Daily Show, b) bought a book promoted (either after hearing about it or coincidentally), and/or c) read books promoted.

If so, which ones? Were they any good? Did you learn anything from them? Agree/Disagree with the author?

mei 6, 2009, 1:19 pm

I know I've read quite a few books after seeing the authors on the Daily Show. Jon's interview with Kurt Vonnegut not long before he died is still one of the funniest and most touching interviews he's done. A Man Without a Country is a great memoir, but I think I liked it even more when I read it because I kept thinking of that interview.

The Know-it-All by A.J. Jacobs is another one I first saw on the show, and possibly the funniest book I've ever read. Although I keep loaning it to other people and no one else seems to think it's as funny as I do...

I liked The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman, and found it incredibly informative. Haven't gotten around to his newer one though, and from what I hear it's not as good.

Those are the top three that I can come up with. How to Break a Terrorist by Matthew Alexander is in my TBR. It's very rare that Jon talks about a book I'm NOT interested in reading... but I just can't keep up! Too many books, too little time.

mei 6, 2009, 3:18 pm

Last night Fareed Zakaria was on promoting the paperback version of The Post-American World, which reminded me that I actually need to devote more time to reading that.. I read the first ~30 pages, which were brilliant, but other things crept into reading time. Now I'm looking forward to getting back into it.

mei 6, 2009, 3:23 pm

>2 MKS1977:,
I think it is as funny as you do. I adore that book. I didn't realize Jacobs had been on the Daily Show, I'm going to have to look that clip up.

jan 20, 2010, 5:36 pm

Dit bericht is door zijn auteur gewist.

jan 20, 2010, 6:33 pm

I finished The Post-American World awhile ago but forgot about this thread.

I had received The boy who harnessed the wind as a birthday gift but haven't gotten to it yet. It does loook like a really good book though.

jun 8, 2010, 12:48 pm

I did get Jon Stewart's own book America (the Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction. It was pretty darn hysterical and reminded me of some of the non-sense from my old high school testbooks.

dec 28, 2010, 4:07 pm

Has anyone gotten or read the newest Daily Show book Earth the book?

dec 28, 2010, 4:14 pm

I listened to the audiobook. It was funny, but I don't think I liked it as much as America: The Book.