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Shadows in Flight (Shadow Saga) door Orson…
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Shadows in Flight (Shadow Saga) (editie 2013)

door Orson Scott Card

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1,1403018,299 (3.56)10
Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:

Ender's Shadow explores the stars in this all-new novel...

At the end of Shadow of the Giant, Bean flees to the stars with three of his children—the three who share the engineered genes that gave him both hyper-intelligence and a short, cruel physical life. The time dilation granted by the speed of their travel gives Earth's scientists generations to seek a cure, to no avail. In time, they are forgotten—a fading ansible signal speaking of events lost to Earth's history. But the Delphikis are about to make a discovery that will let them save themselves, and perhaps all of humanity in days to come.

For there in space before them lies a derelict Formic colony ship. Aboard it, they will find both death and wonders—the life support that is failing on their own ship, room to grow, and labs in which to explore their own genetic anomaly and the mysterious disease that killed the ship's colony.

Shadows in Flight is the fifth novel in Orson Scott Card's Shadow Series.

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Titel:Shadows in Flight (Shadow Saga)
Auteurs:Orson Scott Card
Info:Tor Science Fiction (2013), Edition: Reprint, Mass Market Paperback, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Shadows in Flight door Orson Scott Card

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1-5 van 30 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Probably the most recently published book I ever read, only 6 months old. It was good. Not necessary at all for the Shadow series. Nevertheless, it was nice to be reading scientific fiction again. The family dynamic was very interesting and all the deaths poetic. ( )
  MXMLLN | Jan 12, 2024 |
Buyer beware! This particular edition appears to be a shortened, illustrated version. It only has 123 pages and with a large image on every third page, it is more like 80. This was just all right, it also appears to be a YA version - but once you've read it, you'll know the entire plot. I recommend the full version. If you really want to know what happened to Bean, then this is fine. ( )
  Karlstar | Dec 29, 2023 |
This was the fourth and final book in the Ender's Shadow series. And boy was it different. Suffice to say that it continues after the third book but this story is about Bean (the Giant) and his three children on the ship traveling through space. Because it was such a different setting and story from the other sequels I found it very interesting. Also the book is short in comparison to the others so it was a quick read. I read it on my Kindle and it was an enhanced book with illustrations which were kind of cool.

I've heard that some day the author will write a book to join the Ender series to the Shadow series which this book certainly would allow. I look forward to that. ( )
  sgsmitty | Jun 14, 2023 |
Al final de La sombra del gigante, Bean Delphiki huía hacia las estrellas con tres de sus hijos, los mismos que comparten con él unos genes que otorgan tanto una inteligencia extraordinaria como la condena a una vida corta y físicamente cruel. Ahora, la extrema velocidad de este viaje parece dar a las generaciones de científicos de la Tierra más tiempo para buscar una cura. Sin embargo, no servirá de nada. Todos serán olvidados; tanto ellos como sus actos se perderán en la historia. Oponiéndose a este destino fatídico, Bean Delphiki está a punto de hacer un descubrimiento que le permitirá salvarse, y con él a toda la humanidad. En Sombras en fuga Bean encontrará un espacio para crecer, vivir sin dolor, explorar su propia anomalía genética e intentar hallar la cura para combatir una misteriosa enfermedad que resuena como un susurro lejano a través de la galaxia.
  Natt90 | Feb 13, 2023 |
As always very enjoyable. Read it straight through. If anything too short and quick. Can't wait for more? ( )
  royragsdale | Sep 22, 2021 |
1-5 van 30 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Card's graceful storytelling gives this narrative the feel of a parable or a futuristic myth; it is bound to please the author's fan base and readers who enjoyed the first book.
toegevoegd door Christa_Josh | bewerkLibrary Journal, Jackie Cassada (Jan 1, 2012)
Card’s fifth novel narrated by Julian “Bean” Delphiki (after Shadow of the Giant) mingles transcendent strangeness and didacticism.
toegevoegd door rretzler | bewerkPublishers Weekly, a (betaal website) (Nov 28, 2011)
...but don't worry, plotting has never been what Card is all about. The author has always superbly written about children, and here he's in top form.
toegevoegd door rretzler | bewerkKirkus Reviews, a (Nov 21, 2011)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (8 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Card, Orson Scottprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Brick, ScottVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Card, Emily JaniceVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Harris, JohnArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Heyborne, KirbyVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Rudnicki, StefanVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:

Ender's Shadow explores the stars in this all-new novel...

At the end of Shadow of the Giant, Bean flees to the stars with three of his children—the three who share the engineered genes that gave him both hyper-intelligence and a short, cruel physical life. The time dilation granted by the speed of their travel gives Earth's scientists generations to seek a cure, to no avail. In time, they are forgotten—a fading ansible signal speaking of events lost to Earth's history. But the Delphikis are about to make a discovery that will let them save themselves, and perhaps all of humanity in days to come.

For there in space before them lies a derelict Formic colony ship. Aboard it, they will find both death and wonders—the life support that is failing on their own ship, room to grow, and labs in which to explore their own genetic anomaly and the mysterious disease that killed the ship's colony.

Shadows in Flight is the fifth novel in Orson Scott Card's Shadow Series.


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