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All the Water in the World door George Ella…
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All the Water in the World (editie 2011)

door George Ella Lyon, Katherine Tillotson (Illustrator)

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6287738,863 (3.85)1
Introduces young children to the water cycle with simple text and illustrations.
Titel:All the Water in the World
Auteurs:George Ella Lyon
Andere auteurs:Katherine Tillotson (Illustrator)
Info:Atheneum/Richard Jackson Books (2011), Hardcover, 40 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:Picture Book

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All the Water in the World door George Ella Lyon

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1-5 van 77 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book totally immerses the reader in the water cycle. From blue end papers and thrashing water on the title page, we’re taken to a view of the tiny blue planet Earth from space. From space, the author moves to the familiar: water coming from a hose, puddles, and a cup of water. The author explains the water cycle using a wealth of vocabulary quite artfully and effectively.
  wichitafriendsschool | Apr 4, 2022 |
Water cycle
  Lake_Oswego_UCC | Feb 21, 2022 |
This book is about the water cycle. It begins with talking about how we use water but then poses the question of where does all the water come from and its impact on human life. I think this book might be best for younger elementary students, as there are more illustration. What I like about the book is that the words are incorporated into the illustrations of water. It also discusses the importance of water in different places in the world. While it may be rainy here, it somewhere in the world animals could be waiting for all the water. I think this would be best used maybe as an introduction to the water cycle or Earth science for younger elementary. I think it would be best used as a read-aloud before starting a unit to give students background knowledge to refer to. They could potentially create an anchor chart about what they learned/what they know to refer back to when beginning the unit. ( )
  mikrobbins21 | Oct 22, 2020 |
This book is good to use to introduce the water cycle to students in a fun way. ( )
  Frenchie95 | Nov 17, 2019 |
This water explores where water comes from in a poetic way. It starts with the hose, and filling up a cup and explores the water cycle. Evaporation, forming clouds until they burst forth with rain. This part shows an illustration of so much rain, it looks as if it will never end. But the next page, shows a different place on earth, where it hasn't rained in a long while. It explores how every living thing "dreams of water, for all to drink, use in a tub or sink, wash in or splash in." Again, something in nature that connects us all. Another beautiful line "This wet wonder... means grow...means life will flow...through tigers...through trees. Through you and through me." The book tells children that water is precious, not to waste it and to keep it clean.
I think this book is important because without water, we would all die, and with Climate Change, our water situation can become precarious. Again, everything on Earth is connected, a balance and it is important for children to see that. And to see that it is not just humans that depend on clean water. Another book with gorgeous illustrations that make you feel surrounded by blue, clean, refreshing water. ( )
  Misskamm | May 19, 2019 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
George Ella Lyonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Tillotson, KatherineIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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For Pete Seeger, Wendell Berry, Gurney Norman, and all who work to save the water of life / And for Bernie Stoddard, who is just learning to swim in it --G.E.L.
For Dick Jackson, dowser, editor, friend --K.T.
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Introduces young children to the water cycle with simple text and illustrations.

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Gemiddelde: (3.85)
3 19
3.5 3
4 18
4.5 3
5 11

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