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Another Roadside Attraction door Tom Robbins
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Another Roadside Attraction (origineel 1971; editie 1990)

door Tom Robbins

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3,667393,582 (3.87)36
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:“Written with a style and humor that haven’t been seen since Mark Twain.”—Los Angeles Times

What if the Second Coming didn’t quite come off as advertised? What if “the Corpse” on display in that funky roadside zoo is really who they say it is—what does that portend for the future of western civilization? And what if a young clairvoyant named Amanda reestablishes the flea circus as popular entertainment and fertility worship as the principal religious form of our high-tech age? Another Roadside Attraction answers those questions and a lot more. It tell us, for example, what the sixties were truly all about, not by reporting on the psychedelic decade but by recreating it, from the inside out. In the process, this stunningly original seriocomic thriller is fully capable of simultaneously eating a literary hot dog and eroding the borders of the mind.

“Hard to put down because of the sheer brilliance and fun of the writing. The sentiments of Brautigan and the joyously compassionate omniscience of Fielding dance through the pages garbed colorfully in the language of Joyce.”—Rolling Stone.
… (meer)
Titel:Another Roadside Attraction
Auteurs:Tom Robbins
Info:Bantam (1990), Edition: Reissue, Paperback
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek
Trefwoorden:modern lit, humor, dark, folklore

Informatie over het werk

Another Roadside Attraction door Tom Robbins (1971)

Onlangs toegevoegd door3ords3orth, Rainbow_Chaser, Cudman, KDrummond, Juhneeeeen, instroverb, hayes-santos, TZ1
Nagelaten BibliothekenWalker Percy
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1-5 van 39 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Maybe I was just tired of Tom Robbin's writing pattern (see my review of Still Life with Woodpecker) but this book was so boring and predictable. Couldn't finish it, wish I hadn't started it. ( )
  blueskygreentrees | Jul 30, 2023 |
I first read this book at least 45 years ago and didn't remember anything about it. I'm not sure that it has aged well in that the whole hippie culture feels quaint to me rather than edgy as it probably was when first released in 1971. It is still quirky and thought-provoking, though. My biggest beef with the book has nothing to do with its treatment of Christianity, but rather the fact that Robbins goes on and on and on and on and on with his theories ad nauseum. Marx Marvelous will simply not shut up about his theories and the book becomes bogged down and very very tedious to read at times. Even Robbins knew that he went on too long with some of it as shown by his actually including the words blah blah blah into Marx's arguments which are falling on Amanda's deaf ears. Blah blah blah indeed. It put me in mind of the gab sessions in the dorm that were more fueled by too much weed than by good ideas. Very self-indulgent stuff. If some of this were edited out, I would give the book a much higher rating because Tom Robbins imagination creates a such a fantastical, fun world. ( )
  AliceAnna | Dec 1, 2022 |
The image of Amanda and her butterflies has stayed with me. I thought of it recently when reading The Satanic Verses when an erstwhile prophetess is clothed only in them. And Jesus, found in the Vatican in a secret room we all know exists -- this is just too good. My favorite of the Robbins books I tried. ( )
  wickenden | Mar 8, 2021 |
How come no one ever told me about Tom Robbins? I had to randomly discover him in my own, not sure quite how, but I've been looking for exactly this style for I don't know how long. A readable Pynchon, that's what he is. Loved it. ( )
  5hrdrive | Mar 1, 2021 |
Jesus, the Church, Western civilization and what it all means, with Pagan tinge already apparent
  ritaer | Apr 15, 2020 |
1-5 van 39 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written."
JOHN 21:25
“Incidentally, Reggie Fox, who runs the Dalai Lama's 16-mm. projector, said that 16-mm. Tarzan films or Marx Brothers films would make a big hit with the Dalai Lama and those around him. They most certainly don't want to see any pictures where human or animal life is taken; amusement and adventure are the things that they are interested in.”
Lowell Thomas, Jr., Out of This World
(Appendix, “What to Take When You Go to Tibet")
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This book is dedicated to the Kendrick boys—Capt. John (deceased) and Billy (kicking); to Shazam, to tiny Terrie, and to the “fantastic foolybear” wherever she may be.
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The magician's underwear has just been found in a cardboard suitcase floating in a stagnant pond on the outskirts of Miami.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. Thriller. HTML:“Written with a style and humor that haven’t been seen since Mark Twain.”—Los Angeles Times

What if the Second Coming didn’t quite come off as advertised? What if “the Corpse” on display in that funky roadside zoo is really who they say it is—what does that portend for the future of western civilization? And what if a young clairvoyant named Amanda reestablishes the flea circus as popular entertainment and fertility worship as the principal religious form of our high-tech age? Another Roadside Attraction answers those questions and a lot more. It tell us, for example, what the sixties were truly all about, not by reporting on the psychedelic decade but by recreating it, from the inside out. In the process, this stunningly original seriocomic thriller is fully capable of simultaneously eating a literary hot dog and eroding the borders of the mind.

“Hard to put down because of the sheer brilliance and fun of the writing. The sentiments of Brautigan and the joyously compassionate omniscience of Fielding dance through the pages garbed colorfully in the language of Joyce.”—Rolling Stone.

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Gemiddelde: (3.87)
0.5 2
1 16
1.5 2
2 29
2.5 9
3 221
3.5 35
4 326
4.5 25
5 243

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