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Nine Goblins (2013)

door T. Kingfisher

Reeksen: Goblinhome (1)

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16811168,255 (4.14)16
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

Nessilka had been in any number of battles, and she couldn't remember the first ten minutes of any of them.

She had a theory that if you could remember the first ten minutes, you'd never, ever charge at anybody again, so parts of your brain blotted them out.

The problem was that she couldn't imagine why her brain would want her to continue charging at people, and this then led her to the theory that parts of her brain worked for the Goblin High Command, which she didn't like at all.

Regardless, it was ten minutes into the battle, and she couldn't remember what had just happened. There'd been a lot of yelling. Everyone yelled. No matter what species you were, elf, human, goblin, orc, random bystander, you yelled. There had been a lot of hitting things. Her shield was bent in four or five places, and her arms ached dreadfully.

Algol went by at high speed, shield raised, with Mishkin and Mushkin practically stepping on his heels. Mishkin had gotten a sword from somewhere, and was waving it dangerously close to Algol's kidneys.

She had no idea how the battle was going, but she didn't seem to be dead, so from her perspective, everything was really going rather well.

Unfortunately, Sergeant Nessilka had just seen a problem.

The problem stood on a little rise, just enough to lift him out of the battle proper. He looked human, and he wasn't wearing armor, or carrying any weapons.

He was doing something with his hands, and there was a blueness in the air around himnot really a blue light, per se, but the world around him was turning shades of blue, like something behind a pane of cobalt glass. That wasn't right. That was magic, that was.

A bolt of blueness streaked out from his open mouth, and hit a knot of goblins, who fell down.

Aw, hell, Nessilka thought. It's a wizard...

… (meer)
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1-5 van 11 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone novella. I borrowed this as an ebook through my library.

Thoughts: This was a well done novella and a fun read. This story bounces between a troop of nine goblins and an elf who heals animals. The goblins have been at war with the humans and elves for a bit and it's not going well. However, when a wizard accidentally sends this goblin troop waaayyy behind enemy lines things get even weirder.

The world-building is simple but very well done for such a short story. I absolutely loved all the characters here as well. None of the goblins or elves are quite what their stereotypes would have you expect which I believe is part of the point. There is an intriguing mystery that keeps the story very engaging as well.

This was pure fun to read and highly entertaining. Kingfisher's writing flows well and is engaging and she has you pulled into the story very quickly. All her characters are incredibly easy to relate to and this was a hard book to put down.

My Summary (5/5): Overall this was an excellent novella and a fun read. The world-building, plot, and characterization is incredibly well done for having such a short page space. I looked forward to continuing to read my way through all of Kingfisher's books. ( )
  krau0098 | Sep 8, 2022 |
This was lovely!
Really would have loved to read more.
The end came just too soon. ( )
  QuirkyCat_13 | Jun 20, 2022 |
Right, well, if there were six stars, or ten, or eleventy million, I would give it all the stars.

Nine goblins, in a war they never wanted to fight, find themselves on the other side of hole they never wanted to fall through, trying to solve the mystery of a dead town with the help of an overly realistic elfin veterinarian. My dad's a veterinarian, and I can attest to the level of gross fluids and exhaustion as being right on the money.

Compassionate, hilarious, and utterly satisfying. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
Nine goblins are stuck behind enemy lines. This is short and very Kingfisher-ish, with likeable characters and entertaining prose, but with a body count slightly higher than I’m comfortable with. (That aspect isn’t horrifying so much as horribly sad.)

“[...] You would have a hard time enforcing the rules. Whereas elves -- well--”
“You’re tall and impressive looking and you can put an arrow into a squirrel’s eye from a hundred paces,” said Nessilka.
“There’s that, yeah. We had charisma and numbers and mayhem. All you had were pigs and enthusiasm. It’s not your fault.”
She called up the goblin army in her mind’s eye, and had to laugh.
Pigs and enthusiasm described it pretty well. ( )
  Herenya | Dec 22, 2021 |
Sergeant Nessilka and a band of the Nineteenth, after heroically charging at an enemy wizard during battle, find themselves transported far from war. On the one hand that is good; less chance of dying if you aren’t fighting. But they now appear to be at least fifty miles behind enemy lines. Surrounded by humans and in an elf-protected forest. This does not make survival look likely.

T Kingfisher is Ursula Vernon’s pseudonym and as I am a huge Ursula Vernon fan I had to buy this. It’s been on the kindle a little while but I finally got around to reading it today. And I loved it.

Full review : ( )
  Fence | Jan 5, 2021 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:

Nessilka had been in any number of battles, and she couldn't remember the first ten minutes of any of them.

She had a theory that if you could remember the first ten minutes, you'd never, ever charge at anybody again, so parts of your brain blotted them out.

The problem was that she couldn't imagine why her brain would want her to continue charging at people, and this then led her to the theory that parts of her brain worked for the Goblin High Command, which she didn't like at all.

Regardless, it was ten minutes into the battle, and she couldn't remember what had just happened. There'd been a lot of yelling. Everyone yelled. No matter what species you were, elf, human, goblin, orc, random bystander, you yelled. There had been a lot of hitting things. Her shield was bent in four or five places, and her arms ached dreadfully.

Algol went by at high speed, shield raised, with Mishkin and Mushkin practically stepping on his heels. Mishkin had gotten a sword from somewhere, and was waving it dangerously close to Algol's kidneys.

She had no idea how the battle was going, but she didn't seem to be dead, so from her perspective, everything was really going rather well.

Unfortunately, Sergeant Nessilka had just seen a problem.

The problem stood on a little rise, just enough to lift him out of the battle proper. He looked human, and he wasn't wearing armor, or carrying any weapons.

He was doing something with his hands, and there was a blueness in the air around himnot really a blue light, per se, but the world around him was turning shades of blue, like something behind a pane of cobalt glass. That wasn't right. That was magic, that was.

A bolt of blueness streaked out from his open mouth, and hit a knot of goblins, who fell down.

Aw, hell, Nessilka thought. It's a wizard...


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