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Cibola Burn (Expanse, #4) door James S.A.…
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Cibola Burn (Expanse, #4) (editie 2014)

door James S.A. Corey

Reeksen: The Expanse (4)

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3,0031214,802 (3.98)54
Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:The fourth book in the NYT bestselling Expanse series, Cibola Burn sees the crew of the Rocinante on a new frontier, as the rush to colonize the new planets threatens to outrun law and order and give way to war and chaos. Now a Prime Original series.
Enter a new frontier.
"An empty apartment, a missing family, that's creepy. But this is like finding a military base with no one on it. Fighters and tanks idling on the runway with no drivers. This is bad juju. Something wrong happened here. What you should do is tell everyone to leave."
The gates have opened the way to a thousand new worlds and the rush to colonize has begun. Settlers looking for a new life stream out from humanity's home planets. Ilus, the first human colony on this vast new frontier, is being born in blood and fire.
Independent settlers stand against the overwhelming power of a corporate colony ship with only their determination, courage, and the skills learned in the long wars of home. Innocent scientists are slaughtered as they try to survey a new and alien world. The struggle on Ilus threatens to spread all the way back to Earth.
James Holden and the crew of his one small ship are sent to make peace in the midst of war and sense in the midst of chaos. But the more he looks at it, the more Holden thinks the mission was meant to fail.
And the whispers of a dead man remind him that the great galactic civilization that once stood on this land is gone. And that something killed it.
The Expanse
Leviathan Wakes
Caliban's War
Abaddon's Gate
Cibola Burn
Nemesis Games
Babylon's Ashes
Persepolis Rising
Tiamat's Wrath
?Leviathan Falls
Memory's Legion

The Expanse Short Fiction
The Butcher of Anderson Station

Gods of Risk
The Churn
The Vital Abyss
Strange Dogs
The Sins of Our Fathers
… (meer)
Titel:Cibola Burn (Expanse, #4)
Auteurs:James S.A. Corey
Info:Orbit, Kindle Edition, 593 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Cibola Burn door James S. A. Corey

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Wat valt er over deze uitstekende serie boeken nog te zeggen?

Wederom heb ik enorm genoten van alle ontwikkelingen in het universum van The Expanse. En omdat ik de televisieserie eerst gekeken heb, zijn de gezichten van de personages snel ingevuld. Ze hebben voor de televisieserie een aantal personages met elkaar versmolten en nu ik het boek heb gelezen, ben ik nog meer onder de indruk hoe knap ze dit voor de televisie hebben vormgegeven.
Ik begin wel steeds nieuwsgieriger te worden naar de delen waar de televisieserie niet meer aan toegekomen zijn. Dan zal ik alles van de woorden moeten gaan begrijpen in plaats van dat ik uit mijn geheugen van de televisieserie kan putten. Dat maakt het lezen nu wel heel erg gemakkelijk.

De vorm om de gebeurtenissen uit verschillende perspectieven te laten vertellen, blijft heel sterk. Het was slechts een keer dat er een overlappende tijd was waardoor een gebeurtenis twee keer werd weergegeven. Maar voor de rest sloot het naadloos op elkaar aan wat het lezen ook heel soepel maakte.

In dit deel is nog steeds onbekend wat de protomolecuul nu eigenlijk is, waar het vandaan komt en wat voor beschavingen er in het verleden zijn geweest die lang geleden zijn uitgeroeid maar waar niet van bekend is door wat. Dit mysterie blijft bestaan maar eigenlijk is dit alleen om een context te scheppen waarin we zien hoe de mensheid in elkaar steekt. En dat is vaak niet fraai en regelmatig zelfs schokkend. Maar nergens is het ongeloofwaardig of voor de sensatie.

Ik blijf onder de indruk en deel vijf staat alweer op mij te wachten. ( )
  Niekchen | Sep 16, 2023 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
James S. A. Coreyprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Benshoff, KirkOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Dociu, DanielArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Wikipedia in het Engels (3)

Fiction. Science Fiction. HTML:The fourth book in the NYT bestselling Expanse series, Cibola Burn sees the crew of the Rocinante on a new frontier, as the rush to colonize the new planets threatens to outrun law and order and give way to war and chaos. Now a Prime Original series.
Enter a new frontier.
"An empty apartment, a missing family, that's creepy. But this is like finding a military base with no one on it. Fighters and tanks idling on the runway with no drivers. This is bad juju. Something wrong happened here. What you should do is tell everyone to leave."
The gates have opened the way to a thousand new worlds and the rush to colonize has begun. Settlers looking for a new life stream out from humanity's home planets. Ilus, the first human colony on this vast new frontier, is being born in blood and fire.
Independent settlers stand against the overwhelming power of a corporate colony ship with only their determination, courage, and the skills learned in the long wars of home. Innocent scientists are slaughtered as they try to survey a new and alien world. The struggle on Ilus threatens to spread all the way back to Earth.
James Holden and the crew of his one small ship are sent to make peace in the midst of war and sense in the midst of chaos. But the more he looks at it, the more Holden thinks the mission was meant to fail.
And the whispers of a dead man remind him that the great galactic civilization that once stood on this land is gone. And that something killed it.
The Expanse
Leviathan Wakes
Caliban's War
Abaddon's Gate
Cibola Burn
Nemesis Games
Babylon's Ashes
Persepolis Rising
Tiamat's Wrath
?Leviathan Falls
Memory's Legion

The Expanse Short Fiction
The Butcher of Anderson Station

Gods of Risk
The Churn
The Vital Abyss
Strange Dogs
The Sins of Our Fathers

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

The gates have opened the way to a thousand new worlds and the rush to colonise has begun. Settlers looking for a new life stream out from humanity's home planets. Illus, the first human colony on this vast new frontier, is being born in blood and fire. Independent settlers stand against the overwhelming power of a corporate colony ship with only their determination, courage and the skills learned in the long wars of home. Innocent scientists are slaughtered as they try to survey a new and alien world. James Holden and the crew of his one small ship are sent to make peace in the midst of war and sense in the heart of chaos. But the more he looks at it, the more Holden thinks the mission was meant to fail. And the whispers of a dead man remind him that the great galactic civilisation which once stood on this land is gone. And that something killed them. Cibola Burn is the exhilarating fourth novel in the New York Times bestselling Expanse series, following the Hugo-nominated Leviathan Wakes, Caliban's War and Abaddon's Gate.
Haiku samenvatting

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James S. A. Corey's boek Cibola Burn was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.98)
1 3
2 37
2.5 4
3 180
3.5 55
4 466
4.5 34
5 257

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