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Looking for Trouble

door Trice Hickman

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Trice Hickman is an amazing writer and storyteller!" --Kimberla Lawson Roby Some dreams will test your head and your heart... John Small may be a successful Wall Street banker, but at heart he's a country boy from the sleepy town of Nedine, South Carolina. John wants to open Nedine s first black-owned bank. But big dreams can bring big problems and John s snooty New York City girlfriend is just the beginning. John is about to learn some hard truths about money, power, love, and loyalty. And when his future, and his family's legacy, is in danger, help will come from where he least expects it... Alexandria Thornton is a hard-working corporate attorney by day, but she s passionately pursuing her dream as a spoken word artist by night. Frustrated with her career and her lackluster love life, Alexandria s ready to throw in the towel on both that is, until a man from her past reenters her life and changes everything. But her newfound happiness is short-lived when old lovers, lingering secrets, and hidden desires threaten to end it all... Praise for Trice Hickman Hickman hits all the high notes in this charming modern romance where love and loyalty trump race." Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Unexpected Interruptions Unforgettable characters and a page-turning storyline." Lutishia Lovely on Playing the Hand You re Dealt… (meer)
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Looking for Trouble by Trice Hickman
John Small is a small town boy that works at Wall Street job and wants to go back home to open a bank there. He sees his girl friend of a few months in a new light as he introduces her to the family in his hometown.
Alexandria is a spoken word artist and she wants a new life. She gets little clues via her mind as to what her path is to be.
John receives a lot of wisdom from his grandmother-she also can see into the future.
Alex's mom also can see things ahead of time and she confides in her to help solve what is happening to the clues she's getting from her grandmother..
Hate it when I read of a woman taking advantage of a man using her body to get what she wants-the ring that will lead to her having a fortune of money that she didn't earn. Will be interesting to learn how she gets her just due..
Interesting to learn how the two stories intertwine. Hot steamy sex scenes.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device). ( )
  jbarr5 | Apr 21, 2014 |
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Trice Hickman is an amazing writer and storyteller!" --Kimberla Lawson Roby Some dreams will test your head and your heart... John Small may be a successful Wall Street banker, but at heart he's a country boy from the sleepy town of Nedine, South Carolina. John wants to open Nedine s first black-owned bank. But big dreams can bring big problems and John s snooty New York City girlfriend is just the beginning. John is about to learn some hard truths about money, power, love, and loyalty. And when his future, and his family's legacy, is in danger, help will come from where he least expects it... Alexandria Thornton is a hard-working corporate attorney by day, but she s passionately pursuing her dream as a spoken word artist by night. Frustrated with her career and her lackluster love life, Alexandria s ready to throw in the towel on both that is, until a man from her past reenters her life and changes everything. But her newfound happiness is short-lived when old lovers, lingering secrets, and hidden desires threaten to end it all... Praise for Trice Hickman Hickman hits all the high notes in this charming modern romance where love and loyalty trump race." Publishers Weekly (starred review) on Unexpected Interruptions Unforgettable characters and a page-turning storyline." Lutishia Lovely on Playing the Hand You re Dealt

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