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Gehe hin, stelle einen Wächter: Roman door…
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Gehe hin, stelle einen Wächter: Roman (origineel 2015; editie 2015)

door Harper Lee (Auteur), Ulrike Wasel (Übersetzer), Klaus Timmermann (Übersetzer)

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10,302450741 (3.34)4 / 304
Als de New Yorkse studente Jean Louise naar haar geboorteplaats Maycomb in Alabama terugkeert, raakt ze gedesillusioneerd door de huichelachtigheid van de bewoners, voorop haar vader.
Titel:Gehe hin, stelle einen Wächter: Roman
Auteurs:Harper Lee (Auteur)
Andere auteurs:Ulrike Wasel (Übersetzer), Klaus Timmermann (Übersetzer)
Info:Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (2015), Ausgabe: 7, 320 Seiten
Verzamelingen:Aan het lezen

Informatie over het werk

Ga heen, zet een wachter door Harper Lee (2015)

  1. 132
    Spaar de spotvogels door Harper Lee (JuliaMaria, KayCliff)
    JuliaMaria: Harper Lee hat nur zwei Bücher veröffentlicht. Das zweite - "Gehe hin, stelle einen Wächter" - erst mit 90 Jahren - auch wenn es schon früher geschrieben wurde. Es war die literarische Sensation des Jahres 2015.
    KayCliff: Go Set a Watchman is the sequel to To Kill a Mocking Bird
  2. 52
    Het hart is een eenzame jager door Carson McCullers (Cecrow)
    Cecrow: Another story of the south by an author with similar background.
  3. 30
    Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry door Mildred D. Taylor (amanda4242)
  4. 20
    The Optimist's Daughter door Eudora Welty (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Moving and bittersweet, these Southern Gothic novels portray women pushed to their emotional limits as they return home and re-establish old relationships. Both are literary and character-driven, with a thoughtful style that also references mid-twentieth-century events and attitudes.… (meer)
  5. 10
    Four Spirits door Sena Jeter Naslund (BookshelfMonstrosity)
    BookshelfMonstrosity: Although Go Set a Watchman takes a more humorous approach than Four Spirits, both novels, set in the mid-twentieth-century South, spotlight the effects of the Civil Rights Movement on individuals. They are captivating, character-driven cameos representing society as a whole.… (meer)
  6. 10
    Tongues of flame door Mary Ward Brown (andrewcorser)
    andrewcorser: Further insight into the Southern States
  7. 10
    The Keepers of the House door Shirley Ann Grau (vwinsloe)
    vwinsloe: Southern values shortly before the civil rights era
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A story about a father and a daughter, but also a story about life in the Southern States of the US. The daughter comes bakc from New York for a 2 week holiday in the town where she was born. She still loves the people until she discovers that the way they think is fundamentally different from her ideas. The story starts very easy, until the moment the story changes from tone. Then you are drawn into the story violently and are forced to choose a side. That turns out to be difficult. For me the end is a bit weak, but the rest of the story still keeps me busy. ( )
  Pieter_Goldhoorn | May 27, 2017 |
Shockingly, in Ms. Lee’s long-awaited novel, “Go Set a Watchman” (due out Tuesday), Atticus is a racist who once attended a Klan meeting, who says things like “The Negroes down here are still in their childhood as a people.” Or asks his daughter: “Do you want Negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and theaters? Do you want them in our world?” The depiction of Atticus in “Watchman” makes for disturbing reading, and for “Mockingbird” fans, it’s especially disorienting. Scout is shocked to find, during her trip home, that her beloved father, who taught her everything she knows about fairness and compassion, has been affiliating with raving anti-integration, anti-black crazies, and the reader shares her horror and confusion. “Mockingbird” suggested that we should have compassion for outsiders like Boo and Tom Robinson, while “Watchman” asks us to have understanding for a bigot named Atticus.
toegevoegd door rybie2 | bewerkNew York times, Michiko Kakutani (Jul 10, 2018)
And so beneath Atticus’s style of enlightenment is a kind of bigotry that could not recognize itself as such at the time. The historical and human fallacies of the Agrarian ideology hardly need to be rehearsed now, but it should be said that these views were not regarded as ridiculous by intellectuals at the time. Indeed, Jean Louise/Lee herself, though passionately opposed to what her uncle and her father are saying, nevertheless accepts the general terms of the debate as the right ones.
toegevoegd door danielx | bewerkNew Yorker, Adam Gopnik (Jul 27, 2015)
Go Set a Watchman is a troubling confusion of a novel, politically and artistically, beginning with its fishy origin story. .. I ached for this adult Scout: The civil rights movement may be gathering force, but the second women's movement hasn't happened yet. I wanted to transport Scout to our own time — take her to a performance of Fun Home on Broadway — to know that, if she could only hang on, the possibilities for nonconforming tomboys will open up. Lee herself, writing in the 1950s, lacks the language and social imagination to fully develop this potentially powerful theme.
toegevoegd door danielx | bewerkNPR books, Maureen Corrigan (Jul 13, 2015)
Despite the boldness and bravery of its politics, Go Set a Watchman is a very rough diamond in literary terms … it is a book of enormous literary interest, and questionable literary merit.
toegevoegd door Widsith | bewerkThe Independent, Arifa Akbar (Jul 13, 2015)
It is, in most respects, a new work, and a pleasure, revelation and genuine literary event, akin to the discovery of extra sections from T S Eliot’s The Waste Land or a missing act from Hamlet hinting that the prince may have killed his father.
toegevoegd door Widsith | bewerkThe Guardian, Mark Lawson (Jul 12, 2015)

» Andere auteurs toevoegen (36 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Lee, Harperprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Drews, KristiinaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Johansson, EvaVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Witherspoon, ReeseVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
אלפון, מיכלVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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In memory of Mr. Lee and Alice
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Since Atlanta, she had looked out the dining-car window with a delight almost physical.
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"Every man's island, Jean Louise, every man's watchman, is his conscience." "There is no such thing as a collective conscious".
"Aunty," she said, cordially, "why don't you go pee in your hat?"
I need a watchman to lead me around and declare what he seeth every hour on the hour.  I need a watchman to tell me this is what a man says but this is what he means, to draw a line down the middle and say here is this justice and there is that justice and make me understand the difference. I need a watchman to go forth and proclaim to them all that twenty-six years is too long to play a joke on anybody, no matter how funny it is.
I was taught never to take advantage of anybody who was less fortunate than myself, whether he be less fortunate in brains, wealth, or social position; it meant anybody, not just Negroes. I was given to understand that the reverse was to be despised. That is the way I was raised, by a black woman and a white man.
I detest the sound of it as much as its matter
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This is a first draft of To Kill a Mockingbird that was published after Lee's death. The two books do not constitute a series nor is one a sequel to the other.
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Als de New Yorkse studente Jean Louise naar haar geboorteplaats Maycomb in Alabama terugkeert, raakt ze gedesillusioneerd door de huichelachtigheid van de bewoners, voorop haar vader.

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