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News of the World: A Novel door Paulette…
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News of the World: A Novel (origineel 2016; editie 2016)

door Paulette Jiles (Auteur)

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
3,0052284,716 (4.15)378
"In the aftermath of the Civil War, an aging itinerant news reader agrees to transport a young captive of the Kiowa back to her people in this exquisitely rendered, morally complex, multilayered novel of historical fiction from the author of Enemy Women that explores the boundaries of family, responsibility, honor, and trust. In the wake of the Civil War, Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd travels through northern Texas, giving live readings from newspapers to paying audiences hungry for news of the world. An elderly widower who has lived through three wars and fought in two of them, the captain enjoys his rootless, solitary existence. In Wichita Falls, he is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan to her relatives in San Antonio. Four years earlier, a band of Kiowa raiders killed Johanna's parents and sister; sparing the little girl, they raised her as one of their own. Recently rescued by the U.S. army, the ten-year-old has once again been torn away from the only home she knows. Their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain proves difficult and at times dangerous. Johanna has forgotten the English language, tries to escape at every opportunity, throws away her shoes, and refuses to act "civilized." Yet as the miles pass, the two lonely survivors tentatively begin to trust each other, forming a bond that marks the difference between life and death in this treacherous land. Arriving in San Antonio, the reunion is neither happy nor welcome. The captain must hand Johanna over to an aunt and uncle she does not remember--strangers who regard her as an unwanted burden. A respectable man, Captain Kidd is faced with a terrible choice: abandon the girl to her fate or become--in the eyes of the law--a kidnapper himself"--… (meer)
Titel:News of the World: A Novel
Auteurs:Paulette Jiles (Auteur)
Info:William Morrow (2016), Edition: Media Tie In, 220 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

News of the World door Paulette Jiles (2016)

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Engels (230)  Frans (1)  Hongaars (1)  Alle talen (232)
1-5 van 232 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Sympa. Se lit bien ( )
  ours57 | Jul 23, 2024 |
A very enjoyable short fiction work, made into a popular movie, featuring the journey of an old man who is asked to return a girl rescued from captivity to her remaining family in the years following the Civil War. An excellent description of the Texas frontier at the time, and a heart-warming story of the relationship that developed between the two. ( )
  jspurdy | Jul 13, 2024 |
A quick, sweet read to finish my Goodreads goal for 2022! It was rustic and sad and hopeful and loving in its rough-edged pages. A one day read that I couldn’t put down. ( )
  snewell2 | Jun 24, 2024 |
Believe the hype! A total balm for the soul. Beautiful writing and a story line that will stay with me for a long time. One of my favorite novels of 2016. ( )
  jj24 | May 27, 2024 |
(Print: October 4, 2016;978-0062409201; William Morrow; 224 pages)
*Audio: 8/25/2020; 9780063041554; HarperAudio; duration 06:42:05 (6 parts); Unabridged.
(Digital: Yes)
(Film: Yes).


CHARACTERS: (Not comprehensive)
Jefferson Kyle Kidd - Septarian News reader
Johanna - Ten year old child who has adapted to the ways of her Indian captors and does not seem to remember any other life.

How I picked it: Recommended by my fellow audiobook fan and long-time friend, Cindy Huffman.
What it’s about: AN aging gentleman who travels about northern Texas reading the World News to communities for a living, who is approached with a request to deliver a (cantankerous) freed captive orphan girl to her family for a fee.
What I thought: Great, moving story with interesting characters and plot.

Paulette Jiles:
“Paulette Jiles (aka Paulette K. Jiles, Paulette Jiles-Johnson) (born 4 April 1943) is an American poet, memoirist, and novelist.” __Wikipedia

Grover Gardner:
“Grover Gardner (b 1956)[1] is an American narrator of audiobooks. As of May 2018, he has narrated over 1,200 books.[2] He was the Publishers Weekly "Audiobook Narrator of the Year" (2005) and is among AudioFile magazine's "Best Voices of the Century".[2]” __ Wikipedia

Grover does an excellent narration!

Fiction; Literature; Western; Historical Fiction


Post American Civil War

World News; Indians; Children kidnapped by Indians; family reunion; bonding; adjusting; poverty

For friends on long trails: Susan, June, April, Nancy, Caroline, Wanda, Evelyn, and Rita Wightman Whippet

From Chapter 1
“Captain Kidd thought it was going to be about the Fifteenth Amendment but it was not.
Yes sir, Captain Kidd, would you come with me? Britt straightened and lifted his hat to his head and so did Dennis and Paint. Britt said, I got a problem in my wagon.
She seemed to be about ten years old, dressed in the horse Indians’ manner in a deerskin shift with four rows of elk teeth sewn across the front. A thick blanket was pulled over her shoulders. Her hair was the color of maple sugar and in it she wore two down puffs bound onto a lock of her hair by their minute spines and also bound with a thin thread was a wing-feather from a golden eagle slanting between them. She sat perfectly composed, wearing the feather and a necklace of glass beads as if they were costly adornments. Her eyes were blue and her skin that odd bright color that occurs when fair skin has been burned and weathered by the sun. She had no more expression than an egg.
I see, said Captain Kidd. I see.
He had his black coat collar turned up against the rain and the cold and a thick wool muffler around his neck. His breath moved out of his nose in clouds. He bit his lower lip on the left side and thought about what he was looking at in the light of the kerosene hurricane lantern Britt held up. In some strange way it made his skin crawl.
I am astonished, he said. The child seems artificial as well as malign.
Britt had backed one of his wagons under the roof of the fairway at the livery stable. It didn’t fit all the way in. The front half of the wagon and the driver’s seat was wild with the drumming noise of the rain and a bright lift of rain-spray surrounded it. The back end was under shelter and they all stood there and regarded the girl the way people do when they come upon something strange they have caught in a trap, something alien whose taxonomy is utterly unknown and probably dangerous. The girl sat on a bale of Army shirts. In the light of the lantern her eyes reflected a thin and glassy blue. She watched them, she watched every movement, every lift of a hand. Her eyes moved but her head was still."

4 stars.

6/10/22 - 6/19/22
( )
  TraSea | Apr 29, 2024 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Paulette Jilesprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Gardner, GroverVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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For friends on the long trails:
Susan, June, April, Nancy, Caroline, Wanda,
Evelyn, and Rita Wightman Whippet
Eerste woorden
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Captain Kidd laid out the Boston Morning Journal on the lectern and began to read from the article on the Fifteenth Amendment.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis. Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
Britt's own wife and two children had been taken captive six years ago, in 1864, and he had gone out and got them back. Nobody knew quite how he had done it. He seemed to have some celestial protection about him when he rode out alone on the Red Rolling Plains, a place which seemed to invite both death and dangers. Britt had taken on the task of rescuing others, a dark man, cunning and strong and fast like a nightjar in the midnight air.
Long bright crawls of water slid across the livery stable floor and took up the light of the lantern like a luminous stain and the roof shook with the percussion of drops as big as nickels.
A light drizzle drifted through the landscape of cranky post oak trees whose limbs did not have six inches of straight any of in them.
Then she seemed to struggle with a tangled thing inside her head, something knotted that would not unknot.
Above and behind them the Dipper turned on its great handle as if to pour night itself out onto the dreaming continent and each of its seven stars gleamed from between the fitful passing clouds.
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Wikipedia in het Engels


"In the aftermath of the Civil War, an aging itinerant news reader agrees to transport a young captive of the Kiowa back to her people in this exquisitely rendered, morally complex, multilayered novel of historical fiction from the author of Enemy Women that explores the boundaries of family, responsibility, honor, and trust. In the wake of the Civil War, Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd travels through northern Texas, giving live readings from newspapers to paying audiences hungry for news of the world. An elderly widower who has lived through three wars and fought in two of them, the captain enjoys his rootless, solitary existence. In Wichita Falls, he is offered a $50 gold piece to deliver a young orphan to her relatives in San Antonio. Four years earlier, a band of Kiowa raiders killed Johanna's parents and sister; sparing the little girl, they raised her as one of their own. Recently rescued by the U.S. army, the ten-year-old has once again been torn away from the only home she knows. Their 400-mile journey south through unsettled territory and unforgiving terrain proves difficult and at times dangerous. Johanna has forgotten the English language, tries to escape at every opportunity, throws away her shoes, and refuses to act "civilized." Yet as the miles pass, the two lonely survivors tentatively begin to trust each other, forming a bond that marks the difference between life and death in this treacherous land. Arriving in San Antonio, the reunion is neither happy nor welcome. The captain must hand Johanna over to an aunt and uncle she does not remember--strangers who regard her as an unwanted burden. A respectable man, Captain Kidd is faced with a terrible choice: abandon the girl to her fate or become--in the eyes of the law--a kidnapper himself"--

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Haiku samenvatting

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Gemiddelde: (4.15)
0.5 2
1 2
2 22
2.5 6
3 108
3.5 61
4 399
4.5 96
5 305

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