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The Undefeated (Caldecott Medal Book) door…
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The Undefeated (Caldecott Medal Book) (origineel 2019; editie 2019)

door Kwame Alexander (Auteur)

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9208324,049 (4.67)14
Juvenile Nonfiction. Multi-Cultural. Geography. HTML:

Winner of the 2020 Caldecott Medal
A 2020 Newbery Honor Book
Winner of the 2020 Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award
The Newbery Award-winning author of THE CROSSOVER pens an ode to black American triumph and tribulation, with art from a two-time Caldecott Honoree.

Originally performed for ESPN's The Undefeated, this poem is a love letter to black life in the United States. It highlights the unspeakable trauma of slavery, the faith and fire of the civil rights movement, and the grit, passion, and perseverance of some of the world's greatest heroes. The text is also peppered with references to the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others, offering deeper insights into the accomplishments of the past, while bringing stark attention to the endurance and spirit of those surviving and thriving in the present. Robust back matter at the end provides valuable historical context and additional detail for those wishing to learn more.

.… (meer)
Titel:The Undefeated (Caldecott Medal Book)
Auteurs:Kwame Alexander (Auteur)
Info:Versify (2019), Edition: Illustrated, 40 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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The Undefeated door Kwame Alexander (2019)

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1-5 van 82 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
From Kirkus: "An incredible connector text for young readers eager to graduate to weighty conversations about our yesterday, our now, and our tomorrow."
  BackstoryBooks | Apr 3, 2024 |
A truly amazing children's book, this book follows the powerful and impactful Black Americans throughout our history in the United States. This book speaks to their strengths and how you can be like them in your own ways and I found the book to be a very interesting read. I would say that this book is perfect for kids the ages of 6-9 years old.
  Cbonham21 | Mar 1, 2024 |
Very powerful book. Gorgeous pictures! Well deserved Caldecott. ( )
  mjphillips | Feb 23, 2024 |
I think that this book can be very empowering for African Americans and I think that it is something that could be used in a classroom for a number of purposes.
  stewartj22 | Feb 6, 2024 |
This is a great book for older kids to read or be read aloud to, to leave room for questions about some of the things that are mentioned in the book relating to those who have passed. This is a great book for Black History month and to talk about on the Martin Luther King Jr. remembrance day. ( )
  elliemarte | Feb 5, 2024 |
1-5 van 82 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Alexander, Kwameprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Nelson, KadirIllustratorSecundaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd




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To my great-great-grandfather, Sgt. March Corprew, 2nd USCT. - Kwame Alexander
For my grandmother, Verlee Gunter Moore. I love you. - Kadir Nelson
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This is for the unforgettable.
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Juvenile Nonfiction. Multi-Cultural. Geography. HTML:

Winner of the 2020 Caldecott Medal
A 2020 Newbery Honor Book
Winner of the 2020 Coretta Scott King Illustrator Award
The Newbery Award-winning author of THE CROSSOVER pens an ode to black American triumph and tribulation, with art from a two-time Caldecott Honoree.

Originally performed for ESPN's The Undefeated, this poem is a love letter to black life in the United States. It highlights the unspeakable trauma of slavery, the faith and fire of the civil rights movement, and the grit, passion, and perseverance of some of the world's greatest heroes. The text is also peppered with references to the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others, offering deeper insights into the accomplishments of the past, while bringing stark attention to the endurance and spirit of those surviving and thriving in the present. Robust back matter at the end provides valuable historical context and additional detail for those wishing to learn more.


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Gemiddelde: (4.67)
2 2
2.5 1
3 7
3.5 1
4 29
4.5 10
5 128

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