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Nikolski door Nicolas Dickner
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Nikolski (origineel 2006; editie 2008)

door Nicolas Dickner

LedenBesprekingenPopulariteitGemiddelde beoordelingAanhalingen
4894652,221 (3.6)73
This is a story of three characters--Noah, Joyce, and the anonymous narrator--as each leave their far-flung birthplaces to follow their own personal songs of migration. All three end up in Montreal, each on his or her voyage of selfdiscovery, each compelled to deal with the mishaps of heartbreak and the twisted branches of their shared family tree. Filled with humor, charm, and marvelous storytelling, this novel links cartography, garbage-obsessed archeologists, pirates past and present, a mysterious book with no cover, and a broken compass whose needle obstinately points to the Aleutian village of Nikolski (a minuscule village inhabited by thirty-six people, five thousand sheep, and an indeterminate number of dogs). This is a sweet, well-told story about three characters who break free from their families in order to live authentically.… (meer)
Auteurs:Nicolas Dickner
Info:Knopf Canada (2008), Hardcover, 304 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

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Nikolski door Nicolas Dickner (2006)

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Engels (44)  Frans (2)  Alle talen (46)
1-5 van 46 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I loved this book, just really loved it. The characters were all very interesting and the overlap of the pieces of their lives was brilliantly done. ( )
  beentsy | Aug 12, 2023 |
  obtusata | Jan 9, 2020 |
A light and fluffy book about people whose lives almost intersect. While I found it pleasant enough to read, I felt that it was one of those books where the author was being 'clever'. There wasn't sufficient depth to any of the characters to make me care very much about it. I have no idea how it got on my 'to be read' list....maybe the Canadian connection. ( )
  oldblack | Nov 20, 2014 |
Like its cover, Nikolski is one quirky and playful book. Noah, Joyce, and an unnamed person are connected through their relation to Jonas Doucet, who was last seen in Nikolski in the Aleutian Islands. Through most of the novel they all live in the same neighbourhood of Montreal, but they only know each other tangentially. Nikolski is all about connections and separations.

What I liked: Nikolski is very different from anything I've read before, although there was something in the writing style that reminded me of Douglas Coupland--and then I read in an interview that Dickner is a great admired of Coupland and was inspired by his novels. (one point for me!)

Dickner makes heavy use of some interesting and unusual motifs, including nomads, islands, Moby Dick, fish and floods, garbage and archaeology, indigenous people and pirates, to name just a few. I look forward to rereading the book at some point and spotting more of these.

What I didn't like: This book was a quick and easy read, but I found it too disjointed, which is not something I dislike in books very often. Also, the characters were too static and lacking in development; however, this book has been called a fairy tale, in which case lack of character depth would be expected.

Recommended for: the original French version of this book won slews of awards, and the English translation won Canada Reads. I really can't see everyone in Canada reading this book. If you like very jumbled quirky books though, give it a try. ( )
2 stem Nickelini | Sep 10, 2013 |
Excellent. Loved it. A narrative that skitters around, touching down on explanations and descriptions, then takes flight again and moves on, without sentiment for the telling detail. Marvelous. Chose the book after it won the CBC radio program “Canada Reads”. This one must have deserved its win, just from sheer originality and freshness of voice. ( )
  BCbookjunky | Mar 31, 2013 |
1-5 van 46 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Chock full of arcane detail about the sea, fish lore, antique books, travel, and archaeology, Nikolski is the product of an eccentric mind propelled by an exuberant spirit.
toegevoegd door Nickelini | bewerkThe Walrus, Marianne Ackermann (Apr 1, 2008)
Nikolski is, above all else, a novel about destiny. Ultimately, it is author Nicolas Dickner’s heavy-handed insistence on the power of predetermination, fate, and unwavering obsession that scuttles what is at times an enjoyable, witty read. - See more at:
toegevoegd door Nickelini | bewerkQuill and Quire, James Grainger (Jan 1, 2008)

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Nicolas Dicknerprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Lederhendler, LazerVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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À mon avis, il s'en va du destin comme de l'intelligence, de la beauté ou des lymphocytes de type z : certains sont mieux pourvus que d'autres. Pour ma part, je souffre d'une carence : je suis bouquiniste sans histoire, sans trajectoire propre; ma vie obéit à l'attraction des livres, le faible champ magnétique de mon destin subit la distortion des milliers de destins plus puissants et plus intéressants.
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This is a story of three characters--Noah, Joyce, and the anonymous narrator--as each leave their far-flung birthplaces to follow their own personal songs of migration. All three end up in Montreal, each on his or her voyage of selfdiscovery, each compelled to deal with the mishaps of heartbreak and the twisted branches of their shared family tree. Filled with humor, charm, and marvelous storytelling, this novel links cartography, garbage-obsessed archeologists, pirates past and present, a mysterious book with no cover, and a broken compass whose needle obstinately points to the Aleutian village of Nikolski (a minuscule village inhabited by thirty-six people, five thousand sheep, and an indeterminate number of dogs). This is a sweet, well-told story about three characters who break free from their families in order to live authentically.

Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Haiku samenvatting

Deelnemer aan LibraryThing Vroege Recensenten

Nicolas Dickner's boek Nikolski was beschikbaar via LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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Gemiddelde: (3.6)
1 1
1.5 2
2 9
2.5 5
3 40
3.5 20
4 58
4.5 7
5 17

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