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Bezig met laden... De kostschool van meneer Beer (1871)door Louisa May Alcott
Best family sagas (19) » 20 meer Sonlight Books (101) Best School Stories (21) Childhood Favorites (38) Female Author (239) Ambleside Books (177) CCE 1000 Good Books List (246) Elevenses (252) Bezig met laden...
Meld je aan bij LibraryThing om erachter te komen of je dit boek goed zult vinden. Op dit moment geen Discussie gesprekken over dit boek. With two sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the informal school at Plumfield, Jo March -- now Jo Bhaer -- couldn't be happier. But despite the warm and affectionate help of the whole March family, boys have a habit of getting into scrapes, and there are plenty of troubles and adventures in store. Tells the story of the school that Jo and her husband create, and of the young boys that live there. Once more we have the unavoidable morality lessons, but it is still well-written and engaging. It is episodic in nature and suffers a bit perhaps in comparison to Little Women for the lack of an overall story arc. Another gentle read. geen besprekingen | voeg een bespreking toe
Onderdeel van de reeks(en)Familie Marsh (3) Onderdeel van de uitgeversreeks(en)Alcott Classics (2) — 22 meer Corticelli [Mursia] (24) Dean's Classics (35) Everyman's Library (512) Obras juveniles (19) Pocket Books (75) Is opgenomen inHeeft de bewerkingIs verkort in
Follows the adventures of Jo March and her husband Professor Bhaer as they try to make their school for boys a happy, comfortable, and stimulating place. Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden. |
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Google Books — Bezig met laden... GenresDewey Decimale Classificatie (DDC)813.4Literature English (North America) American fiction Later 19th Century 1861-1900LC-classificatieWaarderingGemiddelde:
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Some classics are dated but still enjoyable as the values they espouse are timeless.
This one is firmly in category two. Many of the ideas might not be as relevant today, almost 155 years after its first publication. But the characters are still appealing, the writing still attractive, and the themes, still satisfying.
Jo and Beth are still my strong favourites, as are Laurie and Prof. Bhaer. This reread has been as much of a treat as expected.
Not gonna change my rating – this entire series is my firm favourite.
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