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Bad Fat Black Girl: Notes from a Trap Feminist

door Sesali Bowen

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783354,363 (4.19)Geen
Biography & Autobiography. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:

From funny and fearless entertainment journalist Sesali Bowen, Bad Fat Black Girl combines rule-breaking feminist theory, witty and insightful personal memoir, and cutting cultural analysis for an unforgettable, genre-defining debut.

Growing up on the south side of Chicago, Sesali Bowen learned early on how to hustle, stay on her toes, and champion other Black women and femmes as she navigated Blackness, queerness, fatness, friendship, poverty, sex work, and self-love.

Her love of trap music led her to the top of hip-hop journalism, profiling game-changing artists like Megan Thee Stallion, Lizzo, and Janelle Monae. But despite all the beauty, complexity, and general badassery she saw, Bowen found none of that nuance represented in mainstream feminism. Thus, she coined Trap Feminism, a contemporary framework that interrogates where feminism and hip-hop intersect.

Bad Fat Black Girl offers a new, inclusive feminism for the modern world. Weaving together searing personal essay and cultural commentary, Bowen interrogates sexism, fatphobia, and capitalism all within the context of race and hip-hop. In the process, she continues a Black feminist legacy of unmatched sheer determination and creative resilience.

Bad bitches: this one's for you.

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Toon 3 van 3
This is great, another important voice in intersectional feminism. A perspective from someone I have so very little in common with but that is so human and relatable just the same. This is verging on memoir, though it's organized to take us through different aspects of trap feminism. I wish it was longer! ( )
  KallieGrace | Jun 23, 2023 |
I really liked this one. I hadn't read any of Sesali Bowen's writing before this, but I'm definitely a fan now.

To start off with, despite the fact that I'm not a fat Black girl in America and the book isn't really talking to me, I really liked and related to Sesali. I think her desire to not just learn about feminist theory in school (she has two degrees in gender studies) but actually try to live by feminist principles is something a lot of women will recognize in themselves, but not necessarily know how to accomplish.

Sesali's concept of 'Trap Feminism' is not pure ideology, it's lived and I think that's what I connected to most. A lot of her definition of trap feminism deals with how specifically Black women can and do create their own empowerment out of what there is, not what could be. Sex and money are central to the conceit because sex and money are central to life and there's no way to sugarcoat that.

Bad Fat Black Girl is part memoir, part feminist manifesto, and part love letter to the rap girls of the last thirty years. I loved reading about how she navigated certain problems she faced and the empowerment she heard and was inspired by in music. Sesali mentions writing essays for fellow students for money in college, and it's easy to see why as she's got a real talent for phrasing and explaining things concisely, while also keeping you engaged. ( )
  xaverie | Apr 3, 2023 |
I read this book as an electronic advance reading copy provided by NetGalley and Edelweiss, and I have submitted my comments to the publisher via those web sites.

This book is fantastic! The author, whose columns were a highlight of the Feministing blog, expounds upon her theory of trap feminism as a philosophy and guiding force for Black women. She discusses trap feminism in the context of the overlapping categories of money, labor, sex, fat bodies, queerness, romance, and friendship.

The power of trap feminism is that it is inclusive, not only for women of color from a poorer context, but also for women of diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds; I am a middle class, middle aged Indian woman living in the U.S., and I found this book applicable to many parts of my life. The author's excellence stems from a combination of scholarship in media criticism and a lived experience of growing up poor, tough, and bold. Her voice is authentic, direct, smart, and funny. Highly recommended for all libraries. ( )
  librarianarpita | May 9, 2021 |
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Biography & Autobiography. Sociology. Nonfiction. HTML:

From funny and fearless entertainment journalist Sesali Bowen, Bad Fat Black Girl combines rule-breaking feminist theory, witty and insightful personal memoir, and cutting cultural analysis for an unforgettable, genre-defining debut.

Growing up on the south side of Chicago, Sesali Bowen learned early on how to hustle, stay on her toes, and champion other Black women and femmes as she navigated Blackness, queerness, fatness, friendship, poverty, sex work, and self-love.

Her love of trap music led her to the top of hip-hop journalism, profiling game-changing artists like Megan Thee Stallion, Lizzo, and Janelle Monae. But despite all the beauty, complexity, and general badassery she saw, Bowen found none of that nuance represented in mainstream feminism. Thus, she coined Trap Feminism, a contemporary framework that interrogates where feminism and hip-hop intersect.

Bad Fat Black Girl offers a new, inclusive feminism for the modern world. Weaving together searing personal essay and cultural commentary, Bowen interrogates sexism, fatphobia, and capitalism all within the context of race and hip-hop. In the process, she continues a Black feminist legacy of unmatched sheer determination and creative resilience.

Bad bitches: this one's for you.


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Gemiddelde: (4.19)
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