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Moord in de bibliotheek (1942)

door Agatha Christie

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Reeksen: Miss Marple (2)

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5,9031501,734 (3.69)335
Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

The iconic Miss Marple must investigate the case of a girl found dead in Agatha Christie's classic mystery, The Body in the Library.

It's seven in the morning. The Bantrys wake to find the body of a young woman in their library. She is wearing an evening dress and heavy makeup, which is now smeared across her cheeks. But who is she? How did she get there? And what is the connection with another dead girl, whose charred remains are later discovered in an abandoned quarry?

The respectable Bantrys invite Miss Marple into their home to investigate. Amid rumors of scandal, she baits a clever trap to catch a ruthless killer.

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1-5 van 150 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This was a really good Miss Marple story and I had fun reading it. Objectively speaking, it is probably the best Miss Marple that I read, it's just not my favourite. But Miss Marple gets to shine in this story with her comparisons and her knowledge of the human nature.
Also worthy of note is that this book starts pretty much immediately with the finding of the body instead of severeal chapters of build up before the murder happens, which was also very nice for getting quickly into the story. ( )
  charmaininthelibrary | May 15, 2024 |
It was entertaining, but the resolution was pretty improbable. I like to try to solve the mystery as I read along, but this one didn't afford the reader that opportunity. I still love me some Agatha, though. ( )
  milbourt | May 11, 2024 |
A good solid cozy. I liked this more than some of her work or maybe I was just more in the right mood for it. Either way, Miss Marple is as clever as ever as a student of human nature. ( )
  AliceAnna | Apr 17, 2024 |
The title says it all. Cluedo in a book. It's many many years since I've read a Miss Marple mystery. It was fun to be swept back to an era where the Country House complete with servants was A Thing, where village life was peopled by old ladies, intelligent but under occupied, rendered spinster by WW1.
This time, a body has been found in the library of the country house, but the actual murder must have taken place elsewhere. Any number of police are called in to deal with this event, and of course Miss Marple too. A vast cast of characters wander in and out of the narrative - I found it a bit hard to keep track. I don't think it's exactly a spoiler alert to tell you that Miss Marple cracks the mystery. It was all good period fun, and I enjoyed this book - but not enough to pick up another Agatha Christie for a while. ( )
  Margaret09 | Apr 15, 2024 |
In this novel Christie sets out to, as she explains in her foreword, put a new spin on what was even in her day a hoary old cliche of detective novels: the dead body in the library. She succeeds by drawing out the wry humour in the characters, Miss Marple's lively friend Dolly and her retired Colonel husband in whose library said body was found, and by placing a twist into the story. Although I did remember what it was, from watching the TV adaptation with the incomparable Joan Hickson some years ago, it didn't spoil things as I didn't recall who the murderer might be. Part of the fun is reading about the prejudices of the various social classes of the time in which the story is set. Dolly calls upon her old friend Jane Marple because, apart from the frisson she experiences from being caught up at a safe removal from the murder, she is perfectly aware that her husband will be suspected of being implicated and will very shortly be snubbed by all and sundry in their very provincial community. So there are real stakes in Miss Marple not just identifying the culprit - and we know that she has done so pretty early on without being let in on the secret - but more importantly, proving it.

Not quite a 5 star read, because quite a bit of it is from the viewpoint of various senior policemen - there are rather a lot of them - who aren't really differentiated from a character viewpoint. I think, without seeing the TV adaptation again, that some of them must have been merged for dramatic purposes and also rather more made of the role of Inspector Slack and the comic possibilities of bringing him into a clash with Miss M, which doesn't really happen in this novel. But an easy page-turning read and therefore worthy of 4 stars. ( )
  kitsune_reader | Nov 23, 2023 |
1-5 van 150 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen (22 mogelijk)

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Christie, Agathaprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Alamagny, Jean-MichelVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Cole, StephanieVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
des Tombe, S.F.VertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Heller, BarbaraVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Jenkins, JulieOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
McBean, AngusFotograafSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Postif, LouisVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Tedeschi, AlbertoVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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This is the main work for The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie. It should not be combined with any adaptation (e.g., film version), abridgement, or larger work.
WorldCat has ISBN 9504916759 for BOTH Un cadáver en la biblioteca (Translation of The Body in the Library) AND El atroz encanto de ser argentinos by Marcos Aguinis.
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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

The iconic Miss Marple must investigate the case of a girl found dead in Agatha Christie's classic mystery, The Body in the Library.

It's seven in the morning. The Bantrys wake to find the body of a young woman in their library. She is wearing an evening dress and heavy makeup, which is now smeared across her cheeks. But who is she? How did she get there? And what is the connection with another dead girl, whose charred remains are later discovered in an abandoned quarry?

The respectable Bantrys invite Miss Marple into their home to investigate. Amid rumors of scandal, she baits a clever trap to catch a ruthless killer.


Geen bibliotheekbeschrijvingen gevonden.

Op een ochtend wordt in de bibliotheek van een keurige familie het lijk gevonden van een meisje. Ze is gewurgd. Geen wonder dat het hele dorp in opschudding is. De politie komt al gauw met een verdachte aan, maar Miss Marple vermoedt dat de zaak heel anders in elkaar zit dan de politie denkt.
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Gemiddelde: (3.69)
1 9
1.5 1
2 59
2.5 25
3 399
3.5 103
4 476
4.5 38
5 208

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