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Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book (Circle of…
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Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book (Circle of Magic) (editie 2003)

door Tamora Pierce

Reeksen: Circle Universe (01 (Circle of Magic 01)), Circle of Magic (1)

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3,903523,275 (3.95)97
Four young misfits find themselves living in a strictly disciplined temple community where they become friends while also learning to do crafts and to use their powers, especially magic.
Titel:Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book (Circle of Magic)
Auteurs:Tamora Pierce
Info:Full Cast Audio (2003), Audio CD, 252 pages
Verzamelingen:Jouw bibliotheek

Informatie over het werk

Sandry’s Book door Tamora Pierce

  1. 20
    Studie van gif door Maria V. Snyder (terriko)
    terriko: Poison study reminded me of the whole Circle of Magic series, and the Circle Opens one.
  2. 20
    In the Hand of the Goddess door Tamora Pierce (16AnnabelleC)
  3. 00
    Het Spel der Tronen door George R. R. Martin (Anonieme gebruiker)
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  greer.d | Jul 30, 2024 |
Sandry's Book (which I have recently seen listed as "The Magic in the Weaving") introduces readers to the Emelan universe, one of two universises created by Tamara Pierce.

Although I enjoyed both, I prefer the books from the Tortal universe. Both are set in fantasy medieval realms: a romanticized version of medieval times with the addition of magic. Each Tortall quartet focuses on a single main character, while each Emelan quartet focuses on four. The former allows the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the protagonist, while the latter provides more variety. The former also feels like a more developed world with more cultures and species. In addition, the different types of magic used by the four protagonists - and later, their students - are not different enough to feel like unique storylines. In Tortall, by contrast, Alanna and Kel are knights, Diane is a wild mage, and Aly is a spy. Even the stories of the two knights are dramatically different.

Nevertheless, Sandry's Book is an interesting coming of age story that sets the stage for the rest of the Circle of Magic quartet, which in turneads into The Circle Opens quartet.
  AliciaBooks | Jan 6, 2024 |
I wish i would have physically read the first book in this series because some of the world building flew over my head. But i really did love all of these characters so much. I def became super invested towards the end of the book. I can't wait to learn more about this characters. I really can't choose a favorite character but I loved the interaconnections between the lead characters. I loved the world alot and hope the next books expand on it! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
I wish i would have physically read the first book in this series because some of the world building flew over my head. But i really did love all of these characters so much. I def became super invested towards the end of the book. I can't wait to learn more about this characters. I really can't choose a favorite character but I loved the interaconnections between the lead characters. I loved the world alot and hope the next books expand on it! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Tamora Pierce is one of my all time favourite writers. I adore everything she puts her mind to and her Song of the Lioness was one of the first fandoms I really got in to. I devoured it and then turned to the rest of her backlist. I'd scour messenger boards for spoilers, read all available fanfiction and anxiously anticipate every new book. I spent months and then years reading and rereading everything.

I was lucky enough to have the chance to meet her and for a woman usually confident and capable of putting herself out there I could barely speak. I was bouncing off the walls before, during and after and my mother could not stop laughing at me for being so starstruck. But Tamora Pierce is my hero.

Before there was Hermione Granger, Tamora Pierce gave us heroines like Alanna, Daine, Kel, Daja, Sandry, Tris and all of the other wonderful characters she created. Female characters who were brave and fearless and daring and stubborn and kind. Characters who were dedicated and loyal and capable of epic badassery and characters who were confident of and in their beliefs and the ways they needed to act to encourage change.

Tamora Pierce delivers satisfying and believable characters arcs, lush world building and vivid adventure stories that spark the imagination and create passionate life long fans.

Circle of Magic introduces four teens, Sandrilene "Sandry" fa Toren, Daja Kisubo, Briar Moss and Trisana Chandler who are brought together when they are found to have magic. Discovered by Niklaren "Niko" Goldeye, a mage with a talent for finding hidden things, the four are mages with rare abilities.

Taken to Winding Circle Temple, the four are housed in Discipline cottage under the care of Dedicates Lark and Rosethorn and found mentors in their areas. Apart from weather mage Tris who is mentored by Niko, the rest all find mentors with the same magic. Thread magic for Lark and Sandry, plant magic for Rosethorn and Briar and smith magic for Daja and Dedicate Frostpine.

Each book sees the quartet develop their magic abilities separately and together and build strong bonds of family and friendship between each other and their mentors. With adventure, magic mishaps, pirates and a host of other complications, the Circle of Magic books are exciting and action packed reading for fantasy lovers.

The first book, The Magic in the Weaving, is Sandrilene "Sandry" fa Toren's book. Although written in third person, Sandry is at the heart of this book and the large majority focuses on her history and her magic.

Kind, caring and fiery about injustice, Sandry is the thread that weaves the gang together. Literally. I adored this bit;

Now that her magic was focused, the spindle was as visible to Sandry as if she worked on the spiral road at noon; so were the bits of her friends that they had put into her lumpy thread. Gently she touched Briar with a magical hand, and drew out a slim green fibre. From Tris she drew a blue one, the colour of deep, fresh water. Daja’s was the reddish orange of a hot coal fire. Her own was the honey colour of undyed silk and flax.

Pierce, Tamora. Circle of Magic #1: Magic In the Weaving . Scholastic. Kindle Edition.

She was orphaned when a plague took her parents and the ensuing mob killed her beloved nurse but remains a force of positivity for herself and others. She is the great niece of the current ruler of Emelan, Duke Verdis, has travelled all over and is always ready to stick up for the underdog. Sandry wins over the prickly hearts of the other three with her persistence and her loyal and big heart.

[Sandry] sighed. “Not you, too! No, my mind’s made up. I’ll make friends with whomever I want, so there. I just need more uvumi [patience].”

Pierce, Tamora. Circle of Magic #1: Magic In the Weaving . Scholastic. Kindle Edition.

I loved reading about the four discovering their powers and slowly becoming friends with each other. I love them all but Briar would have to be my favourite. His attitude, sarcasm and logic are just perfection. And his relationship with Rosethorn is fantastic. I love how they're both prickly but somehow manage to work past it to become family.

Just as he was about to stand, he saw the trick. “You’ll hang me in the well.” Rosethorn sighed. That foot tapped again, impatient now. “No, I won’t. I water this garden with what’s in there – I’m not about to poison it.” This made sense.

Pierce, Tamora. Circle of Magic #1: Magic In the Weaving . Scholastic. Kindle Edition.

Rosethorn is a total badass and I love how Briar looks up to her.

“No. Listen, you four,” Rosethorn said, “while you’re here, address problems or questions or needs to Lark. She likes children, the Green Man alone knows why. “I don’t like children in my garden – not without my say so, anyway,” she added with a glance at Briar. “Play somewhere else. Tell Lark where you go, always. Me, you leave alone. And that workshop on the side of the house, the one that’s mostly wood? That’s mine, too. Touch anything in there, and you will die the worst death I can invent.” She looked at each of them in turn, then smiled, showing teeth. “I’m glad we had this little talk.”

Placing her napkin beside her plate, Rosethorn went outside. For a moment there was silence. Then Lark said, “Her bark is worse than her bite.”
“Bet her bite’s poisonous,” muttered Daja.
“And with the bark you die slow,” added Tris. They grinned, then remembered that merchants and Traders disliked each other, and turned away.

Pierce, Tamora. Circle of Magic #1: Magic In the Weaving . Scholastic. Kindle Edition.

The fight to save Little Bear was funny. I loved that Sandry had managed to make the others feel obligated to help. Tris irritated me a little bit with that though, I wanted her to be a bit more willing. And if she wasn't, fine but she really annoyed me when she told Sandry to be quiet because the fight was already bad enough. Have some guts. Just because Tris screwed up with the magic, doesn't change the fact that the boys were in the wrong beating up an animal. I liked that Sandry was going to bat for him.

And I loved Briar and his shakkan plant

Briar sought out his shakkan as soon as he returned to the cottage. It had taken no harm from the quake; the shallow dish was uncracked, the earth inside just as he’d left it. Putting his hands on the thick trunk to thank the tree, he now felt the power that had been hidden in it before, sunk deep in each fibre. It also had buds at the end of each twig. “None of that,” he warned, starting to pinch them off. “Your helping me doesn’t mean I’ll let you grow any which-way.” He felt something like a tree-sigh under his hands. The shakkan thought, Perhaps one new bud? “Oh, all right,” Briar said. “Which do you want to keep?”

Pierce, Tamora. Circle of Magic #1: Magic In the Weaving . Scholastic. Kindle Edition.

The shakkan totally deserves a new bud for helping save them.

The friendship between them all gets off to a rough start but soon develops into mutual respect, affection and loyalty and it was great. Plus their little found family with their mentors was perfection. I particularly enjoyed how they use their powers to save themselves when they end up trapped in the cavern with Little Bear.

A classic fantasy series with magic, friendships and adventure. 5 stars. ( )
  funstm | Nov 24, 2023 |
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Tamora Pierceprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Albano, UrsulaOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Norey, VirginiaMapsSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
TheronArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Watkins, LiselotteArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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In the Palace of Black Swans, Zadkin, capital of Hatar: Blue eyes wide, Lady Sandrilene fa Toren watched her near-empty oil lamp.
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Four young misfits find themselves living in a strictly disciplined temple community where they become friends while also learning to do crafts and to use their powers, especially magic.

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