Auteurswolk voor SaintBrevity

Joe Abercrombie(1) Douglas Adams(3) Sherman Alexie(1) The Culinary Institute of America(1) C. L. Anderson(1) Brian Azzarello(2) R. Scott Bakker(1) Christopher Baldwin(1) Nick Bantock(3) Cicely Mary Barker(1) Clive Barker(1) Peter S. Beagle(1) Elizabeth Bear(4) Marion Rombauer Becker(1) John Bellairs(9) Mark Bittman(1) Roberto Bolaño(1) Edward A Bowser(1) Steven R. Boyett(1) Patricia Bray(1) Max Brooks(1) B. H. Brown(1) Sam Brown(1) John Brunner(4) Steven Brust(12) Tobias S. Buckell(1) Lois McMaster Bujold(1) Mikhail Bulgakov(1) Italo Calvino(1) Jack Campbell(1) Joseph Campbell(1) Mike Carey(2) Jonathan Carroll(2) Michael Chabon(1) Agatha Christie(1) J. M. Coetzee(1) Eoin Colfer(2) Glen Cook(6) Aaron Copland(1) John Crowley(2) Wells M.M. Cunningham(1) Roald Dahl(1) Julianne DeVries(2) Jane Dobisz(1) Cory Doctorow(1) Arthur Conan Doyle(1) Sam Eastland(1) Harlan Ellison(5) Warren Ellis(11) Garth Ennis(2) Steven Erikson(7) John M. Ford(7) Neil Gaiman(8) Tess Gerritsen(1) William Gibson(6) James Gleick(1) Edward Gorey(1) Richard Grant(1) Ursula K. Le Guin(1) Constance Hale(1) Frances Hamerstrom(1) Thich Nhat Hanh(1) Nick Harkaway(1) Robert A. Heinlein(7) A. E. Housman(1) Barry Hughart(1) Matthew Hughes(1) Zora Neale Hurston(1) N. K. Jemisin(1) Anne Akers Johnson(1) Chris Johnson(1) Yasunari Kawabata(1) Guy Gavriel Kay(1) Elizabeth Kostova(1) Ellen Kushner(3) Jay Lake(1) Michelle Latiolais(1) Penny Le Couteur(1) Paul Levine(1) Scott Lynch(2) Thomas Mann(1) Paul J. McAuley(1) Cormac McCarthy(1) Jack McDevitt(6) Christopher McDougall(1) Robin McKinley(1) Daniel McNeill(1) John Meaney(1) Ruth E Mohring(1) Sarah Monette(2) Elizabeth Moon(1) Christopher Moore(3) Haruki Murakami(2) John Myers Myers(1) Donald A. Norman(1) Janice Papolos(1) Dorothy Parker(1) Tim Powers(2) Terry Pratchett(22) T. A. Pratt(2) Cherie Priest(4) Thomas Pynchon(1) Tom Robbins(3) Mark E. Rogers(1) Patrick Rothfuss(1) J. K. Rowling(8) Gretchen Rubin(1) Matt Ruff(1) Kristine Kathryn Rusch(1) Carl Sagan(1) Marcus Sakey(1) Brandon Sanderson(3) John Scalzi(3) James E. Schutte(1) Dr. Seuss(1) Peter S. Seymour(1) William Sleator(1) Evelyn E. Smith(1) Sherwood Smith(1) Neal Stephenson(4) Caroline Stevermer(1) Debbie Stoller(1) Wendell M. Phillips Andrew W. And Strong(1) Charles Stross(4) Sunset(1) Lewis Thomas(3) Jeff VanderMeer(1) David Foster Wallace(1) Frank Warren(1) Alan W. Watts(1) M Wells(1) Martha Wells(4) Walter Jon Williams(1) Helen Van Pelt Wilson(1) Gene Wolfe(5) J. M. Yumoto(1) Timothy Zahn(2) Roger Zelazny(8) n/a(1)