Boekenreeksen voor Sisif

Reeksen waartoe boeken in Sisif's bibliotheek behoren

Samenvatting: 179 reeksen

"Rabbit" Series

84 Charing Cross Road

A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts

Adam Dalgliesh

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Aire nuestro

Alice's Adventures

Alle Toten fliegen hoch

The American Trilogy

Anders Knutas

Andy Brazil & Judy Hammer

Art and Imagination

Arthur Seldom


Asterix in talen en dialecten

Auschwitz Trilogy

Die Autobiographie von Thomas Bernhard

The Avignon Quintet


Baz Luhrmann's Red Curtain Trilogy

Beckett's Trilogy

The Berlin Stories

Big Art Series

Blade Runner films

Bois Sauvage

The Book of Lies - Twins Trilogy

Border Trilogy

Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Brangwen Family

Cab Bolton

The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages

Cambridge Introduction to the History of Art

Cambridge Medieval Textbooks

Canetti's Memoirs

Caselli and Torre


The Cemetery of Forgotten Books

Charlie Parker

Chronicles of Isaac of Girona


Cole Trilogy

Commandant Camille Verhoeven: UK/US pub order

Commissario Brunetti

Cordelia Gray

Corfu Trilogy


Cultural Atlas of the World

Cycle de Durtal

Cycle of the Absurd

Danny Boyle Trilogy

Detective Anónimo

Diary of Anais Nin

The Divine Comedy

Driving Over Lemons

Dyson Chronicles

Díptico de Ulloa

The Earthsea Cycle

El tresor popular de Catalunya

Elizabeth and Her German Garden

Emecé Editores Buenos Aires


Ensaio sobre a cegueira

Episodes in an interminable war

Erast Fandorin

Erica Falck & Patrik Hedström

The Exorcist {film series}

Fantastic Tales



Frank Bascombe

Frank McCourt's Memoirs

Los genios de la pintura española

Gesammelte Werke in sieben Bänden (Goethe)


Glass Family

Goethe's Faust


Grandes museos del mundo

The Gulag Archipelago

The Handmaid's Tale

Harold Fry

Harry Bosch

Harry Bosch Universe

Heaven and Hell - Stefánsson


Hegel's Lectures on the History of Philosophy

Historias del Viejo Mundo [Historia 16]

Holt cycle

Homer's Epic Cycle

The Human Comedy

In Search of Lost Time


Inspector Kostas Charitos

International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction

Jacques Vingtras

Jesus trilogy

John Bayley's Memoirs

Kamogawa Food Detectives

Kater Murr

Kay Scarpetta

Kepesh Books

A Key to All Mythologies

Kinsey Millhone

Kurt Wallander

Linda Wallander

Love Medicine

Lucy Barton

The Man Without Qualities

Marcus Goldman

Martina de Santo

Masterpieces of Western Painting

Michael Ohayon


Milton's Paradise

Miss Buncle

Miss Maple

Monty Python


Der Morgenstern

Morisaki Bookshop

My Struggle

Märchen der Welt

Obres completes


Olive Kitteridge

The One Hundred Year Old Man

Our Ancestors

The Passenger

Petra Delicado

Philip Marlowe

Philosophical Studies


The Prairie Trilogy

Los Premios Nobel de Literatura


La puerta de los tres cerrojos

Pyramiden - 5 short stories


Randolph Carter tales

Rebecka Martinsson

Remembrance of Things Past

Road to Perdition

Robert Langdon

Roger Mifflin

Les Rougon-Macquart



Scala Museums

Simone de Beauvoir, Mémoires

The Simplicissimus Cycle

The Snopes Trilogy


Stratham Younger

Tales of My Landlord


Taschen 25th Anniversary

Taschen : Basic Architecture

Taschen : Basic Art

The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Three Colors Trilogy

The Thursday Murder Club

Torrents Trilogy

Travel Guides [Bonechi]

Trilogie der Künste

Truth and Poetry

Twentieth Century Masters

Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen


Warner's Julius Caesar

Der Wartesaal

Waverley Novels

Waverley Novels, publication

Whistling Season

Wilhelm Meister


Wonder (Palacio)

Wonderland Quartet

Zuckerman Bound
