Auteurswolk voor michael.confoy.tamu

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Bernard Carlson(1) Paul Cartledge(1) John Cassaday(1) Joe Cermele(1) Rene Chartrand(2) Lynne Cheney(1) Ron Chernow(2) Robert M. Citino(1) Arthur C. Clarke(7) Brian Clegg(1) J. Michael Cobb(1) Stuart Codling(1) David Coleman(1) Darwyn Cooke(2) Tim Cope(1) Robert Coram(1) Woodall Publications Corp.(1) Peter Cozzens(1) William Craig(1) Angus Crawford(1) Michael Crichton(1) Roger Crowley(2) M Curtin(1) Tony S. Daniel(1) Julian Darius(1) John Darwin(1) Norman Davies(1) William C. Davis(1) Len Deighton(8) Jamie Delano(1) Angelic Demon(1) Carlo D'Este(3) Henry C. Dethloff(1) Philip K. Dick(2) David Herbert Donald(1) Robert F. Dorr(1) Tom Doyle(1) Bob Drury(1) Jack B DuArte(1) Susan Dunn(1) Max Egremont(1) John S. D. Eisenhower(2) Rob Elliott(1) Joseph J. Ellis(4) Warren Ellis(7) Garth Ennis(11) Scott Eyman(1) Dan Fagin(1) National Baseball Hall Of Fame(1) Graham Farmelo(1) Kitty Ferguson(1) Niall Ferguson(1) John Ferling(3) Timothy Ferris(1) Richard Feynman(1) Richard P. 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Silbey(1) Gail Simone(2) Lianne Simon(1) Simon Singh(2) Sisters in Crime(1) Nardini Sisters(1) Richard Slotkin(1) Jean Edward Smith(3) Smithsonian(3) Scott Snyder(8) Ronald H. Spector(1) Albert Speer(1) Carol E. Sperling(1) Art Spiegelman(1) Joseph E. Stevens(1) Hew Strachan(1) J. Michael Straczynski(2) W. K. Stratton(1) James L. Swanson(1) Craig L. Symonds(2) Stephen R. Taaffe(1) John Taliaferro(1) Donna Tartt(1) Terry Teachout(1) David Thomas(1) Hugh Thomas(1) Mark Thompson(1) The New York Times(1) John Toland(2) J. R. R. Tolkien(4) Ian W. Toll(2) Peter J. Tomasi(4) Robert Tonsetic(1) David F. Trask(1) William Tucci(1) Barbara W. Tuchman(2) Christopher Tyerman(1) Steven Ujifusa(1) Gary Urey(1) Robert M. Utley(1) Wayne Vansant(3) various(1) John Varley(2) Frank Varney(1) Brian K. Vaughan(1) Robert Venditti(1) Paul Vii(1) Kurt Vonnegut(3) Jeremy Wade(1) Mark Waid(1) Robin Waterfield(1) Laurie Watson(1) James Webb(2) Russell Frank Weigley(1) Gerhard L. Weinberg(1) Len Wein(1) H. G. Wells(1) Martha Wells(1) Jeffry D. Wert(2) Odd Arne Westad(1) Michael Whitby(1) Tom Whyntie(1) Andrew Wiest(1) Bill Willingham(3) Daniel H. Wilson(1) Simon Winchester(1) Brenda Wineapple(1) Eric J. Wittenberg(1) W. J. Wood(1) Greg Woolf(1) Gene Luen Yang(1) Harry Yeide(1) Edward M. Young(1) Steven J. Zaloga(4) Adam Zamoyski(1) Eve Zibart(1) Tom Zoellner(1) Mitchell Zuckoff(1)