Mensen/PersonagesVasco da Gama

Mensen/Personages op omslag

Werken (37)

1000 jaar strijd tussen Hindoes en Mohammedanen : duizendjarig conflict India Pakistan (AO-boekje 1080) door C.J.J. Wiedhaup
1603: The Death of Queen Elizabeth I, the Return of the Black Plague, the Rise of Shakespeare, Piracy, Witchcraft, and the Birth of the Stuart Era door Christopher Lee
All the Queen's Men door Peter Brimacombe
Aly, Michelangelo's Son door Peter Cane
The Atlas of Past Worlds: A Comparative Chronology of Human History, 2000BC-AD1500 door John Manley
Het avontuur van de zee door Alan John Villiers
Conquerors: How Portugal Forged the First Global Empire door Roger Crowley
Da Gama: Vasco Da Gama Sails Around the Cape of Good Hope door Robin S. Doak
Explor-A-Maze door Robert Snedden
Explorers and their discoveries door Arthur Lawrence Hayward
Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction door Robert C. Allen
He Went with Vasco da Gama door Louise Andrews Kent
Heroes Of Civilization door Joseph Cottler
The Horizon Book of the Elizabethan World door Lacey Baldwin Smith
The Last Crusade: The Epic Voyages of Vasco da Gama door Nigel Cliff
A Long and Uncertain Journey: The 27,000 Mile Voyage of Vasco Da Gama door Joan Goodman
De Lusiaden door Luís Vaz de Camões
Magellan and Da Gama: To the Far East and Beyond door Clint Twist
The Maldive Mystery door Thor Heyerdahl
The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea door Peter Kemp
Het raadsel van het kompas door Amir D. Aczel
Sapiens door Yuval Noah Harari
The Spice Route: A History door John Keay
They Put Out to Sea: The Story of the Map door Roger Duvoisin
The Travels of Vasco Da Gama door Joanne Mattern
Tussen Zuiderkruis en Poolster door Ben van Eysselsteijn
The Usborne Book of Explorers from Columbus to Armstrong door Felicity Everett
Vasco Da Gama (Adventures in Discovery) door David C. Knight
Vasco da Gama and the Portuguese Explorers door Jim Gallagher
Vasco da Gama,: His voyages and adventures (Heroes of history) door George Makepeace Towle
Vasco da Gama: Renaissance Crusader door Glenn Joseph Ames
Vasco da Gama: Sailor toward the Sunrise door Ronald Syme
Vasco Da Gama: So Strong a Spirit door Patricia Calvert
Vasco Da Gama: The Diary of His Travels Through African Waters 1497-1499 door Eric Axelson
Vasco De Gama and the Portuguese Explorers door Rebecca Stefoff
Xenophobe's Guide to the Portuguese door Matthew Hancock
You Are the Explorer (Great Decisions) door Nathan Aaseng