Mensen/PersonagesNicolaus Copernicus

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Werken (102)

Adventures in Genius door Will Durant
Age of Kings door Charles Blitzer
The Astronomer: A Novel of Suspense door Lawrence Goldstoneas Nicholas Copernicus
The Astronomical Revolution: Copernicus--Kepler--Borelli door Alexandre Koyré
De bibliotheek van Bagdad door Jim Al-Khalili
The Birth of a New Physics door I. Bernard Cohen
Het boek dat niemand las : in de voetsporen van Nicolaus Copernicus door Owen Gingerich
Breakthroughs in Science door Isaac Asimov
The Brightest Star door Emma Harcourt
De broek van Pythagoras : God, fysica en de strijd tussen de seksen door Margaret Wertheim
The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy in the Development of Western Thought door Thomas S. Kuhn
Copernicus door Henry Thomas
Copernicus and His World door Hermann Kesten
Copernicus' Secret: How the Scientific Revolution Began door Jack Repcheck
Copernicus, Darwin and Freud: Revolutions in the History and Philosophy of Science door Friedel Weinert
Copernicus, the founder of modern astronomy door Angus Armitage
Copernicus: A Very Short Introduction door Owen Gingerich
Copernicus: Founder of Modern Astronomy (Great Minds of Science) door Catherine M. Andronik
Copernicus: Titan of Modern Astronomy (Immortals of Science) door David C. Knight
Cosmos door Carl Sagan
The Crime of Galileo door Giorgio De Santillana
Dance of the Planets: The Universe of Nicolaus Copernicus door Nancy Veglahn
De dochter van Galilei een verhaal over wetenschap, geloof en liefde door Dava Sobel
Doctor Copernicus door John Banville
Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson door Jennifer Michael Hecht
The Earth is Alive door François Derrey
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the Society door A. L. Rowse
The Eye of Heaven: Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler door Owen Gingerich
The Fabric of the Heavens: The Development of Astronomy and Dynamics door Stephen Toulmin
The First Copernican: Georg Joachim Rheticus and the Rise of the Copernican Revolution door Dennis Danielson
Flussi e riflussi : indagine sull'origine di una teoria scientifica door Lucio Russo
The Forbidden Universe: The Occult Origins of Science and the Search for the Mind of God door Lynn Picknett
Four Men Who Changed the Universe door Robert Silverberg
From Copernicus to Einstein door Hans Reichenbach
The Galileo Affair: A Documentary History (California Studies in the History of Science) door Maurice A. Finocchiaro
Galileo: For Copernicanism and for the Church (Studi Galileiani, Vol 3) door Annibale Fantoli
God's Universe door Owen Gingerich
Gods filosofen hoe in de middeleeuwen de basis werd gelegd voor de moderne wetenschap door James Hannam
Gray Markets: A BattleTech Anthology door Jason Schmetzer
The Great Copernicus Chase and Other Adventures in Astronomical History door Owen Gingerich
The Great Scientists: From Euclid to Stephen Hawking door John Farndon
The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time door Will Durant
Het grote ontwerp een nieuwe verklaring van het universum door Stephen Hawking
H.L. Mencken on Religion door H. L. Mencken
Heavenly Intrigue door Joshua Gilder
Heroes Of Civilization door Joseph Cottler
A History of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler door J. L. E. Dreyer
The Horizon Book of the Elizabethan World door Lacey Baldwin Smith
How Did We Find Out About Neptune door Isaac Asimov
How Modern Science Came into the World: Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough door H. Floris Cohen
How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age door Theodore Schick
Im Kampf um das Weltsystem (Kopernikus und Galilei) door Adolf KistnerNikolaus Kopernikus
It Started With Copernicus: How Turning the World Inside Out Led to the Scientific Revolution door Howard Margolis
Journal of Discovery door Peter Riley
Kepler's Witch door James A. Connor
Land of Nicholas Copernicus door Michal Rusinek
Living Biographies of Great Scientists door Henry Thomas
Look to the Stars door Buzz Aldrin
The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science door E. A. Burtt
The Modern Scholar: Astronomy I: Earth, Sky and Planets door Professor James B Kaler
Moonbound: Apollo 11 and the Dream of Spaceflight door Jonathan Fetter-Vorm
A More Perfect Heaven: How Copernicus Revolutionized the Cosmos door Dava SobelNiklas Koppernigk
Moving Heaven and Earth: Copernicus and the Solar System (Revolutions in Science) door John Henry
The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show: Season 1 door John Sanford
Nicolaus Copernicus and his Epoch door Jan Adamczewski
Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1973 door Jerzy Szperkowicz
Nicolaus Copernicus: Father of Modern Astronomy door Scott Ingram
Nicolaus Copernicus: Father Of Modern Astronomy (Signature Lives: Scientific Revolution) door Barbara A. Somervill
Nicolaus Copernicus: Making the Earth a Planet door Owen Gingerich
Nicolaus Copernicus: The Earth Is a Planet door Dennis B. Fradin
Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist door Walter Arnold Kaufmann
Nikolaus Kopernikus door Martin CarrierNikolaus Kopernikus
Nikolaus Kopernikus : sein Leben u. sein Werk door Georg HermanowskiNikolaus Kopernikus
Nikolaus Kopernikus. door Georg HermanowskiNikolaus Kopernikus
Nikolaus Kopernikus. Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten. (rororo Bildmonographien) door Jochen KirchhoffNikolaus Kopernikus
Nikolaus Kopernikus. Roman um einen großen Deutschen. door Fritz MettenleiterNikolaus Kopernikus
Nikolaus Kopernikus. Zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit door Georg HermanowskiNikolaus Kopernikus
On the Shoulders of Giants: The Great Works of Physics and Astronomy door Stephen Hawking
The Origins of Modern Science door Herbert Butterfield
Permanent Losses door Aaron Cahall
The Philosophy Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained door Will Buckingham
Punkt im all : Nikolaus Kopernikus, künder eines neuen weltbildes door Ludwig KühleNikolaus Kopernikus
Recentering the Universe: The Radical Theories of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton door Ron Miller
Ruimte en tijd verkenningen rond de melkweg door Timothy Ferris
Sapiens door Yuval Noah Harari
Science and Religion, 400 B.C. to A.D. 1550: From Aristotle to Copernicus door Edward Grant
The Science Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained door Adam Hart-Davis
Science: A History door John Gribbin
The Scientists: A History of Science Told Through the Lives of Its Greatest Inventors door John Gribbin
Six Great Scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Marie Curie, Einstein door James Gerald Crowther
The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man's Changing Vision of the Universe door Arthur Koestler
The sun-centered universe and Nicolaus Copernicus door Fred Bortz
To Shiver the Sky door Christopher Tin
Tychonys Brahei, equiti Dani, astronomorum coryphaei, vita. Authore Petro Gassendo, regio matheseos professore. Accessit Nicolai Copernici, Georgii Peurbachii, Joannis Regiomontani, astronomorum celebrium, vita. Ed. 2-1 auctior & corr. door Pierre Gassendi
Uncentering the Earth: Copernicus and the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres door William T. Vollmann
The Usborne Book of Inventors: From DaVinci to Biro door Struan Reid
Van Thales tot Newton door J. J. Le Roy
Das Weltgeheimnis: Kepler, Galilei und die Vermessung des Himmels door Thomas de Padovaas Nikolaus Kopernikus
De wereld van Sofie roman over de geschiedenis van de filosofie door Jostein Gaarder
Western Intellectual Tradition: From Leonardo to Hegel door Jacob Bronowski
Wizardology: The Book of the Secrets of Merlin door Dugald A. Steer
The World of Copernicus door Angus Armitage