Mensen/PersonagesThomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury

Mensen/Personages op omslag

Werken (66)

1603: The Death of Queen Elizabeth I, the Return of the Black Plague, the Rise of Shakespeare, Piracy, Witchcraft, and the Birth of the Stuart Era door Christopher Lee
Advocaat van kwade zaken door C. J. Sansom
All the Queen's Men door Peter Brimacombe
All the Queen's Men: Elizabeth I and Her Courtiers door Neville Williams
The Ambassadors' Secret: Holbein and the World of the Renaissance door John David North
Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I: The Mother and Daughter Who Forever Changed British History door Tracy Borman
Het boek Henry door Hilary Mantel
A Brief History of the English Reformation door Derek Wilson
Burghley: William Cecil at the Court of Elizabeth I door Stephen Alford
The Cecils: Privilege and Power Behind the Throne door David Loades
Characters of the Reformation: historical portraits of 23 men and women and their place in the great religious revolution of the 16th century door Hilaire Belloc
Cranmer & the Reformation under Edward VI door Charles Hugh Egerton Smyth
Cranmer and the English Reformation (Headstart History Papers) door D. M. Loades
Cranmer's Godly Order: The Destruction of Catholicism Through Liturgical Change (Liturgical Revolution) door Michael Davies
Cranmer: Archbishop of Canterbury 1533-1556 door Hilaire Belloc
The Crisis of Parliaments: English History, 1509-1660 door Conrad Russell
Early Protestant spirituality door Scott H. Hendrix
Edward VI: The Lost King of England door Chris Skidmore
Elizabeth & Leicester: Power, Passion, Politics door Sarah Gristwood
Elizabeth I door Anne Somerset
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the Society door A. L. Rowse
The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown door Claire Ridgway
Foxe's Book of Martyrs door John Foxe
Geschiedenis van de Engels Sprekende Volkeren, vol II door Winston S. Churchill
Great Tales from English History Omnibus door Robert Lacey
Hendrik VIII door Robert Lacey
Henry VIII door Jasper Ridley
Henry VIII door J. J. Scarisbrick
Henry VIII door William Shakespeare
Henry VIII (Very Interesting People) door Eric Ives
Henry VIII and His Court door Neville Williams
A History of the Christian Church door Williston Walker
The Horizon Book of the Elizabethan World door Lacey Baldwin Smith
In the Lion's Court: Power, Ambition, and Sudden Death in the Reign of Henry VIII door Derek Wilson
Judge the Best door G. Lawrence
Katherine Howard: A Tudor Conspiracy door Joanna Denny
The King's Reformation: Henry VIII and the Remaking of the English Church door G. W. Bernard
The Lady in the Tower: The Fall of Anne Boleyn door Alison Weir
Lamentation door C. J. Sansom
The Man on a Donkey door H. F. M. Prescott
My Lord of Canterbury door Godfrey Turton
Onsterfelijke laatste woorden de meest bijzondere uitspraken uit de geschiedenis en de verhalen daarachter door Terry Breverton
Our Great Heritage Volume 1 door Lyle W. Langep 369
The Queen's Mistake door Diane Haeger
Reformatie het Europese huis gedeeld 1490-1700 door Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Scandal of Christendom door G. Lawrence
The Six Wives of Henry VIII door Antonia Fraser
The Six Wives of Henry VIII door Alison Weir
Sovereign (Sansom novel): C. J. Sansom, Henry VIII of England, P. D. James, Pilgrimage of Grace, Thomas Cranmer, Tower of London, Robert Aske (political leader), Treason, Council of the North door Lambert M. Surhone
De spiegel & het licht door Hilary Mantel
The Stationers' Company and the Printers of London, 1501-1557 (Volume 1) door Peter W. M. Blayney
Thomas Cranmer door Jasper Ridley
Thomas Cranmer door Colin Hamer
Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation, 1489-1556 door A. F. Pollard
Thomas Cranmer, theologian door Geoffrey W. Bromiley
Thomas Cranmer: A Life door Diarmaid MacCulloch
Thomas Cromwell: The Rise and Fall of Henry VIII's Most Notorious Minister door Robert Hutchinson
Thomas More door R. W. Chambers
Three Blind Mice: The Dark History of Nursery Rhymes door Albert Jack
Treasury of Evangelical Writings door David Otis Fuller
The Tudor Age door James A. Williamson
The Tudors: The Complete Second Season door Ciaran Donnelly
Wide as the Waters: The Story of the English Bible and the Revolution It Inspired door Benson Bobrick
Wolf Hall door Hilary Mantel
Wraakengel door C. J. Sansom
You Wouldn't Want to be Married to Henry VIII!: A Husband You'd Rather Not Have door Fiona Macdonald