Mensen/PersonagesGiovanni Boccaccio

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Werken (61)

Archetypes and Motifs in Folklore and Literature: A Handbook door Jane Garry
The Black Death door Philip Ziegler
Book Production and Publishing in Britain 1375-1475 (Cambridge Studies in Publishing and Printing History) door Jeremy Griffiths
The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer door Piero Boitani
The Canterbury Tales (Unwin Critical Library) door Derek Pearsall
The Canterbury Tales [Norton Critical Edition, 1st ed.] door Geoffrey Chaucer
Chaucer (Past Masters) door George Kane
Chaucer and Gender door Michael Masi
Chaucer and His Poetry door George Lyman Kittredge
Chaucer and the Late Medieval World door Lillian M. Bisson
Chaucer and The Legend of Good Women door Jr. Robert Worth Frank
Chaucer and the Subject of History door Lee Patterson
Chaucer and the Tradition of Fame: Symbolism in "House of Fame" door Benjamin Granade Koonce
Chaucer's early poetry door Wolfgang Clemen
Chaucer: 1340-1400: The Life and Times of the First English Poet door Richard West
Chaucer: A European Life door Marion Turner
Chaucer: An Oxford Guide door Steve Ellis
Chaucer: His Life, His Works, His World door Donald R. Howard
Chaucer: Sources and Background door Robert P. Miller
Companion to Chaucer Studies door Beryl Rowland
A Concise History of Italy door Christopher Duggan
Critical Essays on Chaucer's " Troilus and Criseyde" and His Major Early Poems door C. David Benson
Disease: The Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers door Mary Dobson
Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson door Jennifer Michael Hecht
The Elizabethan Renaissance: The Life of the Society door A. L. Rowse
The Fabliaux door Nathaniel E. Dubin
Famous Women (The I Tatti Renaissance Library, 1) door Giovanni Boccaccio
Geoffrey Chaucer door Derek Brewer
Geoffrey Chaucer: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) door David Wallace
Geschichte im Dienst der Stadt: Amtliche Historie und Politik im Spätmittelalter door Regula Schmid
Giovanni Boccaccio door Blanca Luca de Tena Benjumea
Giovanni Boccaccio, catalogue of an exhibition held in the Reference Division of the British Library 3 October to 31 December 1975 door John Barr
The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time door John Kelly
H.L. Mencken on Religion door H. L. Mencken
The Hack's Tale: Hunting the Makers of Media: Chaucer, Froissart, Boccaccio door David Hughes
A history of story-telling door Arthur Ransome
Italian Renaissance Tales door Anthony Mortimer
John Keats: An Anthology door John Keats
John Lydgate (Poets of the later Middle Ages) door Derek Pearsall
The Lady Queen : The Notorious Reign of Joanna I, Queen of Naples, Jerusalem, and Sicily door Nancy Goldstone
The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Critical Biography door Derek Pearsall
Literary practice and social change in Britain, 1380-1530 door Lee Patterson
The Literature of Medieval England door Durant Waite Robertson
Medieval Culture and Society door David Herlihy
Medieval Literature: A History and a Guide door W. T. H. Jackson
Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Reformation door Karl F. Thompson
Monumenti d'un manoscritto autografo di messer Gio. Boccacci da Certaldo door Sebastiano Ciampi
A New Introduction to Chaucer (Longman Medieval and Renaissance Library) door Derek Brewer
The Poet Chaucer door Nevill Coghill
The Poetry of John Lydgate door Alain Renoir
The Portable Medieval Reader door James Bruce Ross
A Preface to Chaucer: Studies in Medieval Perspectives door Durant Waite Robertson
Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales door W.F. Bryan
The Story of Troilus door R. K. Gordon
Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Vol. 27 door Frank Grady
Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Vol. 28 (2006) door Frank Grady
Studies in the Age of Chaucer, Volume 37 (ND Studies Age Chaucer) door Sarah Salih
Testaments of time; the search for lost manuscripts and records door Leo Deuel
Vile Florentines: The Florence of Dante, Giotto, and Boccoccio door Timothy Holme
Writers: Their Lives and Works door James Naughtie
De Zwarte Dood door Dick Harrison