EvenementenCrimean War

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Werken (189)

I - In the footsteps of James Robertson and Felice Beato, Crimean war photographers door Dr David R Jones
The Adventures of Gerard door Arthur Conan Doyle
Anti-ice door Stephen Baxter
Austria, Great Britain, and the Crimean War: The destruction of the European concert door Paul W. Schroeder
Bedford Row door Claire Rayner
Believing Is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography door Errol Morris
Bismarck: The Man and Statesman door A. J. P. Taylor
Brunel's Britain door Derrick Beckett
Captain Nemo door Kevin J. Anderson
A Cavalryman in the Crimea: The Letters of Temple Godman, 5th Dragoon Guards door Philip Warner
The Complete Works of Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate door Alfred Tennyson
A Concise History of Italy door Christopher Duggan
Conflict in the Crimea : British redcoats on the soil of Russia door D.S. Richards
Crimean Memories: Artefacts of the Crimean War door Will Hutchison
The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy against Russia, 1853–56 door Andrew Lambert
The Crimean War: pro and con door John Bright
Cruel Wars: 100 Soldiers' Songs from Agincourt to Ulster door Karl Dallas
The Devil Lancer: A Novel of the Crimean War (Crimean War Novels) door Astrid Amara
Disraeli: A Brief Life door Paul Smith
Doctor Margaret's Sea Chest door Waheed Rabbani
De dood van Iwan Iljitsj door Leo Tolstoy
The Drummer Boys Battle door Dave Jackson
Eminent Victorians door Lytton Strachey
Eyewitness in the Crimea door Michael Hargreave Mawson
The Eyre Affair door Jasper Fforde
Finnegans wake door James Joyce
Florence Nightingale door Cecil Woodham-Smith
Florence Nightingale door Shannon Zemlicka
Florence Nightingale (DK Life Stories) door Kitson Jazynka
Florence Nightingale at First Hand door Lynn McDonald
Florence Nightingale, Feminist door Judith Lissauer Cromwell
Florence Nightingale: The Making of an Icon door Mark Bostridge
Great Medical Disasters door Richard Gordon
The Greig-Duncan Folk Song Collection: Volume 1 door Patrick Shuldham-Shaw
Hazard's Command door V. A. Stuart
Heart and Soul: The Story of Florence Nightingale door Gena K. Gorrell
His Lady of Fire door Charlotte Jardine
History Stories: Mary Seacole door Sylvia Collicott
Hon var ingen Florence Nightingale : människan bakom myten door Åsa Moberg
Hoorah for Mary Seacole door Trish Cooke
Hope door Lesley Pearse
In the Shadow of the Lamp door Susanne Dunlap
Inspector of the Dead door David Morrell
Jack Archer door G. A. Henty
De la Crimee a la Grande Guerre: l'armee devant l'objectif 1854-1914 door Louis Delperier
Life of Vice-Admiral Edmund, Lord Lyons door S. Eardley-Wilmot
Life, letters and diaries of Lieut.-General Sir Gerald Graham ... with portraits, plans, and his principal despatches door R. H. Vetch
Mary Seacole door Harriet Castor
Mary Seacole door Jane Robinson
Mary Seacole (Life & Times) door Ron Ramdin
Mary Seacole (Start Up English Biographies) door John Malam
Mary Seacole (The Life and World of) door Brian Williams
Mary Seacole: A Story from the Crimean War (Historical Storybooks) door Sam Godwin
Master Georgie door Beryl Bainbridge
Nicholas Carey door Ronald Welch
The Officer and the Gentleman door J. P. Bowie
Old Kensington door Miss Thackeray
The Origins of the Crimean War door Brison D. Gooch
The Origins of the Crimean War (Origins of Modern Wars) door David M. Goldfrank
Pleasures of a Notorious Gentleman door Lorraine Heath
Queen Victoria and The Romanovs: Sixty Years of Mutual Distrust door Coryne Hall
Queen Victoria's Bomb door Ronald W. Clark
Queen Victoria's Little Wars door Byron Farwell
Recollections of a military life door Sir John Miller Adye
Recollections of forty years' service door Sir Alexander Bruce Tulloch
Roger Fenton: Photographer of the Crimean War, his photographs and his letters from the Crimea door Helmut Gernsheim
Russia's Crimean War door John Shelton Curtiss
Sarum door Edward Rutherfurd
The Scandinavian Area and the Crimean War in the Baltic door Edgars Andersons
Selected Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) door Alfred Lord Tennyson
The siege of Kars, 1855 : defence and capitulation door Tim Coates
So Long at the Fair door Frances Paige
A soldier's experience : or, a voice from the ranks : showing the cost of war in blood and treasure : a personal narrative of the Crimean Campaign, from the standpoint of the ranks; the Indian mutiny, and some of its atrocities, the Afghan Campaigns of 1863 door Timothy Gowing
Songs & Music of the Redcoats: A History of the War Music of the British Army 1642-1902 door Lewis S Winstock
De straatfilosoof door Matthew Plampin
Surgeon in the Crimea : the experiences of George Lawson recorded in letters to his family 1854-1855 door George Lawson
They Gave Their Names to Science door D. S. Halacy
Victorian Street Ballads. A Selection of Popular Ballads Sold In The Street In the Nineteenth Century door W. Henderson
The Victorians door A. N. Wilson
Victory at Sebastopol (The Phillip Hazard Novels) door V. A. Stuart
The Water Horse door Julia Gregson
Who Was... Mary Seacole? door Paul Harrison
William Russell: Special Correspondent of The Times. door Roger Hudson
The Winter Journey door Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands door Mary Seacole
Zwarte Zee door Neal Ascherson
An Echo of Murder door Anne Perry1856-02
The Adventurous Chef: Alexis Soyer door Ann Arnold1856
The Alma, 1854 (Knight's battles for wargamers) door Henry Edward David Harris1856
The Angel of Scutari door Paul Sutton1856
Balaclava 1854: The Charge of the Light Brigade door John Sweetman1856
Balaclava: gentlemen's battle door John Selby1856
The Banner of Battle: The Story of the Crimean War door Alan Palmer1856
The Battle of the Alma door Peter Gibbs1856
The Battle of the Alma 1854 door Ian Fletcher1856
Battles of the Crimean War door W. Baring Pemberton1856
Black Rainbow door Barbara Michaels1856
The Blockade: Runners and Raiders door William C. Davis1856
A Brief History of the Crimean War door Alexis Troubetzkoy1856
The British Army of the Crimea door J. B. R. Nicholson1856
The British Army on Campaign (2): The Crimea door Michael Barthorp1856
British Military Spectacle: From the Napoleonic Wars through the Crimea door Scott Myerly1856
Cadogan's Crimea door Somerset J. Gough-Calthorpe1856
Cardigan door Donald Serrell Thomas1856
Cardigan of Balaclava door Piers Compton1856
The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline door Nancy Springer1856
The Charge: Why the Light Brigade Was Lost door Mark Adkin1856
Clay Country door Rowena Summers1856
The Court Martial of Lord Lucan door John Harris1856
Crimea 1854-56: The War With Russia from Contemporary Photographs door Lawrence James1856
Crimea: The Great Crimean War, 1854-1856 door Trevor Royle1856
Crimea: The Story of Michael Pope, 110th Regiment, 1853-1857 (My Story) door Bryan Perrett1856
The Crimean Diary and Letters of Lieut-General Sir Charles Ash Windham, KCB door Charles Ashe Windham1856
Crimean uniforms: British infantry door Michael Barthorp1856
The Crimean War door R. L. V. Ffrench Blake1856
The Crimean War door Paul Kerr1856
Crimean War (War Correspondents) door Andrew D. Lambert1856
The Crimean War in Imperial Context, 1854-1856 door Andrew C. Rath1856
The Crimean War: 1854-1856 door John Sweetman1856
The Crimean War: A Reappraisal (Wordsworth Military Library) door Philip Warner1856
The Crimean War: The Truth Behind the Myth door Clive Ponting1856
Despatches from the Crimea door Sir William Howard Russell1856
The Destruction of Lord Raglan : A Tragedy of the Crimean War, 1854-55 door Christopher Hibbert1856
The Devil's Own door Garry Douglas Kilworth1856
Europe: Grandeur and Decline door A. J. P. Taylor1856
Flashman at the Charge door George MacDonald Fraser1856
Fleur door Cynthia Harrod-Eagles1856
Florence Nightingale door Kristi Shearer1856
Florence Nightingale and the Crimea, 1854-55 (Uncovered Editions) door Tim Coates1856
The Gallant Six Hundred: A Tragedy of Obsessions door John Harris1856
Geschiedenis van de Engels Sprekende Volkeren, vol IV door Winston S. Churchill1856
The Global Dimensions of Britain and France's Crimean War Naval Campaigns Against Russia, 1854-1856 door Andrew C. Rath1856
The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia door Peter Hopkirk1856
The Great War With Russia — The Invasion Of The Crimea - A Personal Retrospect : Of The Battles Of The Alma, Balaclava, And Inkerman And Of The Winter Of 1854-55, &c. [Illustrated Edition] door William Howard Russell1856
Hell Riders: The True Story of the Charge of the Light Brigade door Terry Brighton1856
Heroes of the Crimea: The Battles of Balaclava and Inkermann door Michael Barthorp1856
Highland Brigade in the Crimea door Anthony Sterling1856
The History of the Present War with Russia: Giving full details of the operations of the Allied Armies - Division I door Henry Tyrrell1856
The History of the Present War with Russia: Giving full details of the operations of the Allied Armies - Division II door Henry Tyrrell1856
The Homicidal Earl: Life of Lord Cardigan door Saul David1856
Honour the Light Brigade door William Murrell Lummis1856
In Scandal They Wed door Sophie Jordan1856
Inkerman 1854: The Soldiers' Battle (Campaign) door Patrick Mercer1856
Inkerman, The Soldiers' Battle, 5 November 1854 door Martin Goldberger1856
Into the Valley of Death: The British Cavalry Division at Balaclava 1854 door John Mollo1856
The Invasion of the Crimea door Alexander William Kinglake1856
Ireland and the Crimean War door David Murphy1856
De Krimoorlog, of De vernedering van Rusland door Orlando Figes1856
Leaves from the Valley door Caroline Harvey1856
Letters Home from the Crimea door Temple Godman1856
Like Victors and Lords = Victors and Lords = Captain of Cavalry door V. A. Stuart1856
The Limits of American Isolation: The United States and the Crimean War door Alan Dowty1856
The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli door Richard Aldous1856
Love in the Afternoon door Lisa Kleypas1856
Mrs Duberly's War: Journal and Letters from the Crimea, 1854-6 door Christine Kelly1856
No Place for Ladies: The Untold Story of Women in the Crimean War door Helen Rappaport1856
The Ottoman Crimean War, 1853-1856 door Candan Badem1856
The Ottoman Empire, 1801-1913 door William Miller1856
Our Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls door H. E. Marshall1856
The Oxford history of the British Empire, Volume 3 : The nineteenth century door Andrew Porter 1856
The prisoners of Voronesh: The diary of Sergeant George Newman, 23rd Regiment of Foot, The Royal Welch Fusiliers, taken prisoner at Inkerman door George Newman1856
Raglan: From the Peninsula to the Crimea door John Sweetman1856
Realism and Nationalism, 1852–1871 door Robert C. Binkley1856
The Reason Why: The Story of the Fatal Charge of the Light Brigade door Cecil Woodham-Smith1856
Relish: The Extraordinary Life of Alexis Soyer, Victorian Celebrity Chef door Ruth Cowen1856
Rosa's oorlog door Katharine McMahon1856
The Russian Army of the Crimea door Albert Seaton1856
The Russian Army of the Crimean War 1854-56 door Robert Thomas1856
The Russian Empire and the World, 1700-1917 door John P. LeDonne1856
Sebastopol - Vertellingen (Sevastópolskie rasskazy) door Leo Tolstoy1856
The Slaves of Love door Barbara Cartland1856
Soldiers' Glory door Sir George Bell1856
Thin Red Line: The Eyewitness History of the Crimean War door Julian Spilsbury1856
Uncrowned King: The Life of Prince Albert door Stanley Weintraub1856
Uniforms and equipment of the Light Brigade door John Mollo1856
Uniforms and Weapons of the Crimean War door Robert Wilkinson-Latham1856
Victoria's Wars: The Rise of Empire door Saul David1856
The war against Russia, 1854-1856 door A. J. Barker1856
The War in the Crimea door Sir Edward Bruce Hamley1856
The war: from the landing at Gallipoli to the death of Lord Raglan door Sir William Howard Russell1856
We Two: Victoria and Albert: Rulers, Partners, Rivals door Gillian Gill 1856
We Were There with Florence Nightingale in the Crimea door Robert N. Webb1856
A Woman of Property door Rowena Summers1856
The Hampshire family historian, vol. 8, no. 1, May 1981 door Hampshire Genealogical SocietyHampshire men of the Light Brigade, 1854
Gods, Mongrels, and Demons: 101 Brief But Essential Lives door Angus Calder1855
News of War: Stories and Adventures of the Great War Correspondents door Rupert Furneaux 1855
Florence Nightingale Museum door Javier Pes,Mark Bostridge,Helen Rappaport Kirsteen Nixon Caroline Worthington1853-1856
The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime door Judith Flanders1853-1856
The war illustrators door Pat Hodgson1853-1856