Radcliffe Publishing Course Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century
100 Werken 1,920,093 boeken 30,203 Besprekingen 4.0
On July 21, 1998, the Radcliffe Publishing Course released its own list of the century's top 100 novels. The Radcliffe Publishing Course compiled its list at the request of the Modern Library and toon meer formally presented its list to the Modern Library's Board Chairman Christopher Cerf on July 24 in Cambridge.
"Students studying at Radcliffe today will be the leaders of the publishing industry tomorrow," said Cerf. "Their insights and observations give all of us a sneak-preview into the publishing trends of the 21st century."
The 100 Radcliffe publishing students were assigned the task of creating their own list of the 20th century's top 100 novels written in English. Like the Modern Library list, the students' lists were selected from 400 possible titles. Instructors of the course compiled and quantified the students' lists, creating the final Radcliffe Publishing Course list toon minder
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