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An elegant portrait of desire and betrayal in Old New York. In the highest circle of New York social life during the 1870's, Newland Archer, a young lawyer, prepares to marry the docile May Welland. Before their engagement is announced, he meets May's cousin, the mysterious, nonconformist Countess Ellen Olenska, who has returned to New York after a long absence. Archer's world is always changing.… (meer)
kitzyl: An embittered lawyer in a loveless coupling attends a social gathering where he is drawn to an enigmatic riches-to-rags woman, whose broken marriage has made her a social outcast. Explores the rigid ideas of morality in the 70s (a century apart) enforced by wealth/class. Woman has a "Olde Shabby Riche"-ly decorated house where the man immediately feels at home.… (meer)
gtross: Similar plot: an Anglo-American woman returns home from the continent, a social outcast under a cloud of suspicion after a disastrous marriage to a sadistic count, and falls in love with a hapless young man, already engaged, who lets himself be guided more by his feelings than by his sense of what is prudent and correct. Similar also in intensity.… (meer)
New York, eind 19e eeuw. Newland Archer heeft zich juist verloofd met May Welland, een vrouw uit zijn maatschappelijke klasse die zich braaf houdt aan alle conventies. Een nichtje van May, gravin Olenska komt terug naar New York op de vlucht voor haar man. Archer raakt onder de indruk van de gravin. Wharton schets met veel gevoel voor detail een beeld van de high society in New York. Mensen doen zoals het hoort en vergeten om echt te leven. Ik heb het boek met veel plezier gelezen. Ik vond het leuker dan "The portrait of a lady" van Henry James waarmee het vaak vergeleken wordt. Het boek is ook verfilmd door Martin Scorcese maar die film heb ik nog niet gezien. Uitgelezen: 14 mei 2000 ( )
A larger life and more tolerant views: That’s the greatest promise the novel holds out to us, and it’s as necessary now as it was when Edith Wharton put it into words.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis.Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
On a January evening of the early seventies, Christine Nilsson was singing in Faust at the Academy of Music in New York.
[Foreword - Penguin Classics] When I was growing up, I viewed literary "classics" with a certain degree of suspicion
[Introduction - Penguin Classics] On a fateful evening near the end of the novel, May Archer, nee Welland, delivers a devastating piece of news to her husband, Newland.
Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis.Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
And he felt himself oppressed by this creation of factitious purity, so cunningly manufactured by a conspiracy of mothers and aunts and grandmothers and long-dead ancestresses, because it was supposed to be what he wanted, what he had a right to, in order that he might exercise his lordly pleasure in smashing it like an image made of snow.
It was the old New York way of taking life" without effusion of blood": the way of people who dreaded scandal more than disease, who placed decency above courage, and who considered that nothing was more ill-bred than "scenes", except the behavior of those who gave rise to them.
When he thought of Ellen Olenska it was abstractly, serenely, as one might think of some imaginary beloved in a book or a picture: she had become the composite vision of all that he had missed.
That terrifying product of the social system he belonged to and believed in, the young girl who knew nothing and expected everything, looked back at him like a stranger through May Welland's familiar features; and once more it was borne in on him that marriage was not the safe anchorage he had been taught to think, but a voyage on uncharted seas.
"No," she acquiesced; and her tone was so faint and desolate that he felt a sudden remorse for his own hard thoughts. "The individual, in such cases, is nearly always sacrificed to what is supposed to be the collective interest: people cling to any convention that keeps the family together--protects the children, if there are any," he rambled on, pouring out all the stock phrases that rose to his lips in his intense desire to cover over the ugly reality which her silence seemed to have laid bare.
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Informatie afkomstig uit de Engelse Algemene Kennis.Bewerk om naar jouw taal over te brengen.
At that, as if it had been the signal he waited for, Newland Archer got up slowly and walked back alone to his hotel.
[Foreword - Penguin Classics] A larger life and more tolerant views: that's the greatest promise the novel holds out to us, and it's as necessary now as it was when Edith Wharton put it into words.
[Introduction - Penguin Classics] The novel's meaningful elasticity is thanks to a writer who was exacting, meticulous, and perceptive, in her life and in her art, fascinated by the alchemical interplay of social structure and individual freedom.
An elegant portrait of desire and betrayal in Old New York. In the highest circle of New York social life during the 1870's, Newland Archer, a young lawyer, prepares to marry the docile May Welland. Before their engagement is announced, he meets May's cousin, the mysterious, nonconformist Countess Ellen Olenska, who has returned to New York after a long absence. Archer's world is always changing.
Wharton schets met veel gevoel voor detail een beeld van de high society in New York. Mensen doen zoals het hoort en vergeten om echt te leven. Ik heb het boek met veel plezier gelezen. Ik vond het leuker dan "The portrait of a lady" van Henry James waarmee het vaak vergeleken wordt. Het boek is ook verfilmd door Martin Scorcese maar die film heb ik nog niet gezien.
Uitgelezen: 14 mei 2000 ( )